Thinking skills and practical tips to get you from where you are to where you want to go (because your current level of thinking will keep you where you're at!) To change your game to another level, change your thinking: this blog shows you how.
Monday, December 10, 2007
a) The effects of your thoughts on your health
b) Nutritional medicine: the effects of nutrition on your health.
c) Exercise: the effects of physical activity (or the lack thereof) on your health
The human body has been designed to function in association with your mind. Thus your thoughts and beliefs play a role in your health.
Your body functions with fuel which comes from the food you eat. Thus what you eat plays a major role in your health.
Your body functions optimally when it is used the way you're supposed to use it. Regular moderate exercise, when combined with the right fuel and the right thinking patterns, makes up the 'formula' for true health.
These are the things I'll be discussing on this blog. Check back often. Leave your comments. Share your thoughts. Ask your questions. It's all happening here, folks, so come and play!
God bless ya!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Finishing Stronger (for women only...)
In particular, I am grateful for the increase in clarity I daily receive where my Personal Development website for women is concerned. In order to reflect the vision behind the site, I am renaming it and launching the new name with a brand new package which includes the current site PLUS some more serious value packages which will be announced in due course.
Here's a minute-long clip for you to whet your appetite with. When you've seen it, go ahead and visit the site and sign up for your FREE weekly tips, where you'll also be updated with plans of the re-launch.
Turn up your speakers for this.
Blessings to ya!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Attraction is ...
This means, of course, that if the things and people in your life are not what you'd rather have, and you wish to change them, you should start by changing your thoughts, beliefs and expectations.
Don't be fooled into thinking that all you have to do is think differently and everything else will change. Thinking differently is most definitely a major part of the equation. What it does, among other things, is put you in a frame of mind to do the things that bring about the change you desire. If you do not then take appropriate action though, all your 'positive thinking, beliefs and expectations' would have been a waste of time and (mental) space.
That is one 'gripe' I have about the movie 'The Secret'. Yes it's fantastic in the way it explains the Law of Attraction. The visuals clearly depict the principle, which is very valuable. However, in my humble opinion, (unless they intend to feature a whole sequel devoted to the issue), it glaringly misses out emphasizing a vital connection between your thoughts and your reality: ACTION!
Even the Holy Bible, the greatest inspirational book and success manual in existence, says that 'faith without works is dead'.
You've got to back up your thoughts, beliefs and expectations with the right type of action. Be consistent with this and you will achieve your goals.
Now take this general principle and apply it to a specific challenge in your life.
Be consistent and persistent until you see the improvement you seek. You will attract it. You have to, because it's Law.
Blessings to ya!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
It's not what happens to ya...
You see, nothing is really as it seems. Everything, rather, is really the way you perceive it to be.
The world around you is the way you perceive it to be. That's why two people can be in the same situation, yet experience it in totally different ways.
We tend to judge others by our own standards. We tend to complain when things are not the way we'd like them to be.
When you realize that you have the power to create your own world by choosing thoughts that reflect the reality you desire to see, your entire life takes a different direction.
This is not to say you should live in fantasy land. Rather, choose to seek the good in every situation. Seek it, and you will find it eventually.
I say this after being involved in a minor car accident about 3 hours ago on my way back from work. My head still hurts from the impact. Now I could be miserable about the whole event - yes it was most unexpected and thus I was initially shaken - but I choose to be thankful that things weren't worse than what happened.
So I'm good. And I'll see the good in this event when the right time comes.
Life is good, because I choose for it to be. I choose to see it as good. I encourage you to do so, for there is good in your life too, no matter what is going on in it.
Choose to respond in a positive, happy and abundant way, regardless of what's going on around you. When you do, you will attract more positive, happy and abundant experiences to your life.
Life is good, no matter what happens to ya. Believe this, seek the good in your life, and always be thankful to God that it's in there somewhere. The more thankful you are for the good things in your life, the more good will manifest in your life.
Think about that, and have a fantastic day.
Blessings to ya!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Success Seminars is now LIVE!
Success Seminars is a Training and Educational company with a key difference: we also provide Coaching and Mentoring to enforce and support our members in applying what they learn.
The training provided is based on The Natural Laws and principles of 'Psycho-cybernetics', and covers areas such as:-
- Personal Development, including Self-esteem, confidence, overcoming limiting beliefs, effective goal-setting and others.
- Interpersonal Skills
- Communication Skills (written, verbal and non-verbal)
- Financial intelligence and Wealth Attraction
- Health Improvement and Maintainance
The Faculty of Success-seminars comprises men and women with proven track records in their various fields of endeavour, as will be revealed in due time.There is a curriculum currently being developed, which will take members through the foundation for success in the above areas. If you have a proven track record in any of the above fields and wish to be considered as a member of Faculty in Success Seminars, send me an email with the Subject Heading 'Faculty Member' in it, stating your area of expertise and including examples of your work.
Members will then receive World Class Coaching to help them effectively apply the information they learn until it manifests as their desired results.
Unlike many membership sites out there, here at Success Seminars we are firm believers in building relationships with our members. Each person is an individual and is treated as such. Members receive personalized Action Plans to work through in their first year of membership, in addition to coaching and support as necessary for each individual. This is The Success Seminars Difference.
Success Seminars is an organization for individuals who dare to think for themselves and reach for their goals and dreams. The members of refuse to let the opinions of others dictate their reality.
(Added in July 2007): Look out for the new-look Success Seminars website coming soon...
Thursday, March 08, 2007
It's almost here!!
I'm quite excited about this launch and am really looking forward to it because this project is something I've wanted to do for a very, very long time. The services within it will bless millions of women, and empower them to prosper in every area of their lives. So it's good fun.
Now I'm not saying it's 100% perfect or ready or anything, but I'm doing like Goethe said and beginning it. I'll keep you posted on how things go.
Meantime, work at the hospital continues to be fun. Busy, but fun. Especially now that I've started working night shifts. What an interesting experience!
Anyway, I'm out of here for now. Do subscribe for the FREE newsletter, 'Days of Success', by filling and submitting the form on the top left of this page. There are several goodies in store for you (including free gifts) just for subscribing. Plus I look forward to serving you and helping you live a better, more fulfilling and happy life.
Have a fantastic day.
Blessings to ya!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The good thing about trials...
Seriously, I do consider myself blessed. At first my reason for being thankful for the trials I am going through (apart from the fact that I'm aware I'm only going *through* them - 'this too shall pass' and all that...), was just the knowledge that every thing has a good side to it.
The Law of Polarity states that for every positive there is a negative.
I've known this to be true for ages, and this knowledge has helped me to stay positive and hopeful during hard times in the past, and has actually helped me become more aware of solutions to those challenges.
So when this fantastic year came with a bunch of trials, I started thanking and praising God for whatever good is hidden within the trials. Now this is a lot easier said than done, but once I persisted in doing so, the good started rearing its head - it became more apparent and easier for me to focus on it even more.
Remember, what you focus on expands. So whenever you're facing a challenge, rather than indulge in self-pity or focusing on what's bad about the situation, begin to express gratitude for the good in the situation, even before you know what that good is. Focus on the good and you will see more of it.
The more I've done this, the more I've become aware of another good thing about the experience of a trial. I've never thought of this before, but it's soooo true. Hope this revelation helps you as well: trials are good because of the sort of person you have to become in order to overcome them.
No slackers here, that's for sure.
As I meditated on my current, personal, temporary challenge, I realised that I was being 'forced' to become stronger, more efficient, more organized, and so forth, as part of the process of overcoming it. I'm also exercising my 'lateral thinking muscles' more than ever before.
All this is making me a much better human being than I've ever been. Imagine the quality of service, imagine the value, I'm now able to deliver to my clients, customers and patients as a result of all this.
Truly, this year is turning out to be better than the last one already!
So I am truly, truly happy and grateful now for every trial I am facing, for the good within it, for the person I'm becoming as I overcome it, for the millions of lives that will benefit from my services as a result of what I'm going through right now.
Ok, off the soapbox now :)
Make this a super-duper day now will ya.
Blessings to ya!