Seriously, I do consider myself blessed. At first my reason for being thankful for the trials I am going through (apart from the fact that I'm aware I'm only going *through* them - 'this too shall pass' and all that...), was just the knowledge that every thing has a good side to it.
The Law of Polarity states that for every positive there is a negative.
I've known this to be true for ages, and this knowledge has helped me to stay positive and hopeful during hard times in the past, and has actually helped me become more aware of solutions to those challenges.
So when this fantastic year came with a bunch of trials, I started thanking and praising God for whatever good is hidden within the trials. Now this is a lot easier said than done, but once I persisted in doing so, the good started rearing its head - it became more apparent and easier for me to focus on it even more.
Remember, what you focus on expands. So whenever you're facing a challenge, rather than indulge in self-pity or focusing on what's bad about the situation, begin to express gratitude for the good in the situation, even before you know what that good is. Focus on the good and you will see more of it.
The more I've done this, the more I've become aware of another good thing about the experience of a trial. I've never thought of this before, but it's soooo true. Hope this revelation helps you as well: trials are good because of the sort of person you have to become in order to overcome them.
Trials are good because of the sort of person you simply have to become in order to overcome them.
No slackers here, that's for sure.
As I meditated on my current, personal, temporary challenge, I realised that I was being 'forced' to become stronger, more efficient, more organized, and so forth, as part of the process of overcoming it. I'm also exercising my 'lateral thinking muscles' more than ever before.
All this is making me a much better human being than I've ever been. Imagine the quality of service, imagine the value, I'm now able to deliver to my clients, customers and patients as a result of all this.
Truly, this year is turning out to be better than the last one already!
So I am truly, truly happy and grateful now for every trial I am facing, for the good within it, for the person I'm becoming as I overcome it, for the millions of lives that will benefit from my services as a result of what I'm going through right now.
Ok, off the soapbox now :)
Make this a super-duper day now will ya.
Blessings to ya!