Friday, March 16, 2007

Success Seminars is now LIVE!

Success Seminars is a Training and Educational company with a key difference: we also provide Coaching and Mentoring to enforce and support our members in applying what they learn.

The training provided is based on The Natural Laws and principles of 'Psycho-cybernetics', and covers areas such as:-

  • Personal Development, including Self-esteem, confidence, overcoming limiting beliefs, effective goal-setting and others.
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Communication Skills (written, verbal and non-verbal)
  • Financial intelligence and Wealth Attraction
  • Health Improvement and Maintainance

The Faculty of Success-seminars comprises men and women with proven track records in their various fields of endeavour, as will be revealed in due time.There is a curriculum currently being developed, which will take members through the foundation for success in the above areas. If you have a proven track record in any of the above fields and wish to be considered as a member of Faculty in Success Seminars, send me an email with the Subject Heading 'Faculty Member' in it, stating your area of expertise and including examples of your work.

Members will then receive World Class Coaching to help them effectively apply the information they learn until it manifests as their desired results.

Unlike many membership sites out there, here at Success Seminars we are firm believers in building relationships with our members. Each person is an individual and is treated as such. Members receive personalized Action Plans to work through in their first year of membership, in addition to coaching and support as necessary for each individual. This is The Success Seminars Difference.

Success Seminars is an organization for individuals who dare to think for themselves and reach for their goals and dreams. The members of refuse to let the opinions of others dictate their reality.

(Added in July 2007): Look out for the new-look Success Seminars website coming soon...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

It's almost here!!

At last, the Success-seminars membership website is about to be launched. I'll be launching it on the 13th of March, 2007 - that's right: next week Tuesday.

I'm quite excited about this launch and am really looking forward to it because this project is something I've wanted to do for a very, very long time. The services within it will bless millions of women, and empower them to prosper in every area of their lives. So it's good fun.

Now I'm not saying it's 100% perfect or ready or anything, but I'm doing like Goethe said and beginning it. I'll keep you posted on how things go.

Meantime, work at the hospital continues to be fun. Busy, but fun. Especially now that I've started working night shifts. What an interesting experience!

Anyway, I'm out of here for now. Do subscribe for the FREE newsletter, 'Days of Success', by filling and submitting the form on the top left of this page. There are several goodies in store for you (including free gifts) just for subscribing. Plus I look forward to serving you and helping you live a better, more fulfilling and happy life.

Have a fantastic day.

Blessings to ya!
