It's how you respond to stuff that matters. How you respond to things depends on how you 'see' (perceive) things.
You see, nothing is really as it seems. Everything, rather, is really the way you perceive it to be.
The world around you is the way you perceive it to be. That's why two people can be in the same situation, yet experience it in totally different ways.
We tend to judge others by our own standards. We tend to complain when things are not the way we'd like them to be.
When you realize that you have the power to create your own world by choosing thoughts that reflect the reality you desire to see, your entire life takes a different direction.
This is not to say you should live in fantasy land. Rather, choose to seek the good in every situation. Seek it, and you will find it eventually.
I say this after being involved in a minor car accident about 3 hours ago on my way back from work. My head still hurts from the impact. Now I could be miserable about the whole event - yes it was most unexpected and thus I was initially shaken - but I choose to be thankful that things weren't worse than what happened.
So I'm good. And I'll see the good in this event when the right time comes.
Life is good, because I choose for it to be. I choose to see it as good. I encourage you to do so, for there is good in your life too, no matter what is going on in it.
Choose to respond in a positive, happy and abundant way, regardless of what's going on around you. When you do, you will attract more positive, happy and abundant experiences to your life.
Life is good, no matter what happens to ya. Believe this, seek the good in your life, and always be thankful to God that it's in there somewhere. The more thankful you are for the good things in your life, the more good will manifest in your life.
Think about that, and have a fantastic day.
Blessings to ya!