Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Certain traits are common among people in every field who are highly successful. They have certain beliefs in common.

This is important to know because:
a) Your belief is 100% your choice
b) Your belief determines your performance, your esteem, your confidence and ultimately your results.
c) Your belief either motivates and propels you to action, or it discourages you from action.
d) Your belief is crucial to your success or failure in any endeavour.
e) If you want to be highly successful, learn what those who already are highly successful do (ie how they think, speak and behave), and do likewise. No need to reinvent the wheel.

The 7 beliefs I will share in the next few days, are based on 7 universal laws.

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The thing about universal laws is that, being put in place by God, who created the universe, there really is nothing you or I can do about them, but if we're smart, we'd work with them and enjoy the benefits - we can't change gravity, for instance - we can only work with it in order to live...if we violate the Law of Gravity, injury or death ensue.

The laws were put in place to govern the operation of life in the universe - their chief aim is your prosperity (spiritual, physical, material, social, etc). Work with them and their chief aim becomes your reality. Violate them and...

Don't remain ignorant - your future depends on your moment-by-moment thoughts, choices, decisions!
Sign up for your FREE Audio Tutorial series right now!

These universal laws work for anyone who believes and works with them, whether or not you believe in God or the Bible. Every highly successful person I've come across, read about, spoken to, has applied one or more of these laws; some have not done so consciously, others have done so consciously and have acknowledged this.

The aim of this series of tutorials is to make you aware of these laws to that you too can begin to consciously apply them, for in doing so you become the architect of your own success. You just need to master at least one of these beliefs/laws, to begin to experience phenomenal success in your personal, business or professional life.

Keep your diary open for the 1st of May, 2010 at 8pm GMT: I will be teaching these 7 beliefs in a Teleseminar titled, (wait for it :) ) - "The Seven Beliefs of Highly Successful People (TM)" . Well what else did you think it'd be called?! :)

Stay tuned for the First Belief of Highly Successful People (TM) ,which you'll receive soon in your inbox when you request it over at this site...