Thinking skills and practical tips to get you from where you are to where you want to go (because your current level of thinking will keep you where you're at!) To change your game to another level, change your thinking: this blog shows you how.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Please read your food labels!!
Folks, I've said it before but I'm going to say it again: there's no such thing as fat-free - unless it's not got any form of sugar in it as well. Very often, what's labelled as 'fat free', has added sugar to make it palatable for you.
The problem with this is that the added sugar gets converted to saturated fat in your body. This is what causes the weight gain. This is what causes the raised cholesterol level.
So please, please, read your food labels carefully before you buy anything.
And don't think aspartame and such are healthier options. They may not affect your weight, but they certainly affect other organs in your body, particularly your nervous system. so avoid anything with sweeteners in it, if you're serious about your health.
You do need to eat fats, in moderate amounts, not excess. Your body has crucial functions which depend on a healthy level of saturated fats in it. I'll tell you more about these in a future post.
So 'fat-free' is not a healthy option for you.
Watch this space, more to come.
Meantime, stay well!
Dr Kem
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar - A Must-Attend Event!
Come get equipped to take your health to the next level!
Empowering YOU To Take Control Of Your Health and Life!
The Problem:
Studies repeatedly show that certain conditions are 100% preventable and 100% reversible with healthy lifestyle habits.
Most days at the surgery, GPs are faced with patients suffering from chronic degenerative diseases, which cause a lot of distress to patients, and which can successfully be managed by healthy lifestyle changes. However, GPs have very little time with each patient so often have to resort to 'quick fix medicine' - pills, pills, pills.
Many people do not like taking pills, and would rather be shown what they can do themselves, to improve their health.
These chronic degenerative conditions greatly affect the quality of life of the people suffering from them. They include conditions such as:
- Overweight and Obesity
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus
- High Cholesterol (non-familial type)
- Tired all the time
- Some forms of arthritis
- And others, including those in the group of conditions called 'syndrome X'
Very often you go to the doctor and face frustrations such as:
- You're handed down a bunch of pills to 'control the symptoms'
- They're too busy to talk with you and understand what is really going on with you (not their fault really - they've got only 10 minutes per patient!)
- You suffer from side effects from all the pills you're taking so you're given more pills to control those side effects!
- You're not feeling right yet all blood tests are normal.
- You're tired all the time yet all blood tests are normal, so you're told nothing is wrong.
- Feeling like you've not been heard when you talk about your health concerns.
- Feeling unsupported by 'the system'
Or if weight is your issue see if you can relate:
- You've tried various 'diets' and perhaps lost weight but it comes right back.
- You are too busy to exercise or prepare healthy meals.
- You're confused with all the information out there on what to eat and what to do to stay healthy
- Your self confidence is suffering because of your size (over weight or under weight).
Currently there has not been any program available to empower individuals with TRUE information (based on the unchanging fact about the way your body really works) and SUPPORT to help each person make changes to their lifestyles and stick to them...until NOW, that is!
If you can relate to any of the above, or you know someone who can relate to any of the above, then you cannot afford to miss this Powerful New program taking place on the 31st of July 2010 at the Holiday Inn (London-Elstree M25 Jct 23).
Introducing.....Dr Kem's Healthy Lifestyle Seminar.
Just Who Is Dr Kem Anyway?
- A Multi-distinction and Multi-award winning medical Graduate, currently working in a GP Surgery in North London
- A Professionally qualified Performance Coach with a passion for health (not medication), peak performance and women's issues.
- An accomplished writer and published Author
- A Speaker, Trainer and Consultant
- Former University Lecturer (Biochemistry and Physiology - undergraduate medical students)
- A Mom - her most fulfilling role yet.
Why This Seminar?
- The content of this program was borne out of Dr Kem's passion for health, fitness and wellness, her (increasing base of) medical knowledge and her work at the practice in London, where she has helped many patients improve their conditions without prescription medication, but by patiently helping each one change their lifestyle habits into healthy ones that cause their bodies to reverse from disease to health.
- Part of Dr Kem's work with patients involves careful assessment and analysis of each person's current state, education about what is wrong with what they're currently doing, and what they need to do differently.
- From working with hundreds of patients over the past year it became clear to Dr Kem that there is a lot of misinformation out there. Many people think they're eating right but wonder why their blood sugar, cholesterol or blood pressure remain high, or why they don't shed any extra fat.
- This seminar is designed to equip you with the information and resources that can help you get on track, get proactive and make lasting changes to your health.
- It is produced in collaboration with the fabulous Edith 'Entrepreneur Coach' Okadigwe of Living Foundations Entrepreneur Coaching fame.
What You Will Get From This Seminar:
- What the real connection is between your state of mind and your physical health and why 'mind over matter' is not just a bunch of jargon.!
- Nutrition, exercise - how it all fits together to keep you healthy!
- The one test you MUST ask your doctor to request for you as soon as possible, and why!
- The one beverage you MUST ensure you get adequate amounts of DAILY if you wish to be healthy!
- The three components of ANY exercise program you undertake and why you MUST include all three regularly!
- Why 'Beauty Sleep' may not be 'just a myth'!
- The truth about what you REALLY need to be eating for health (hint: no such thing as 'one diet fits all')!
- One vital element that any health program worth its salt MUST contain!
- How to access 4-WEEKS of FREE Personal Training with celebrity Personal Trainer, Malcom Martin of RoadWorks Fitness at home or at your local gym!
- Value packed health information nuggets from other Health Professionals!
- Lots more!
What Are The Details for This Seminar?
- Venue: Holiday Inn London-Elstree M25 Jct 23 (on the A1: Barnet Bypass, Borehamwood WD6 5PU)
- Date: Saturday July 31 2010
- Time: 11am to 4pm
- Price: £40 (non-business owners), £50 (business owners - details below)
- Book NOW to avoid disappointment!
- Limited spaces so places are booked on a strictly first-come, first serve basis. No exceptions.
What Does The Price Include?
- The Seminar presentations, fun, informative, practical and interactive
- Refreshments (water, tea, coffee - Decaff of course ;), light lunch)
- FREE Childcare provided by Ofsted registered Childminder, at the venue for those with young children; you can come and participate in the seminar, resting assured that your precious little ones are in safe hands, close by.
- Great networking opportunity - it's always good to expand your contact base, so you get to meet new people, make contacts, etc.
- Goody bag with valuable gifts to help improve your health!
For Business Owners: For an Additional £10.00 you ALSO get:
- A table to display your products/services at the event
- Ongoing projector screen display of your products/services throughout the event in between talks
- To include something in the goody bag the attendees leave with!
- The chance to add new contacts to your database
What To Do Now? Book Your Place NOW, that's what!!
If you're not a Business owner, click the button below to secure your place at the Seminar for just £40.00
If you're a Business Owner and you'd like to take advantage of the extra exposure on offer, click the button below to secure your place for just £50.00.
Due To Popular Demand!!
For Business Couples: Special Discount for 2 Business Owners Registering Together - click the button below to secure your place for just £80.00
The Best Six Doctors (A healthy rhyme :) )
"The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they'll ease
Your will they'll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990"
There you have it - it's the 8 Pillars all over again - there's no
getting around it, folks. If you desire to enjoy a life of good health,
you've gotta discipline yourself in each of the above areas, plus
the other 2 that make up 'The 8 Pillars of Lifelong Health'...
What are the 8 Pillars?
Click here to find out...
Have a fantastic weekend!
Dr Kem...
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Why You Do NOT Want To Lose Weight

Losing weight is one of the commonest resolutions that people make every year. Yet obesity and overweight are on the increase.
Makes you wonder what is wrong with that picture.
What makes it such a difficult goal to accomplish or stick to?
Well there are several things, but for now let's talk about one important reason.
It's the way you state the goal.
In other words, it's the command you're giving to your subconscious mind. Your mind functions to attract and bring about the physical form of what you think about.
You say, 'I want to lose weight'.
Your subconscious mind reads that statement as 'I have excess weight', or 'I don't have weight loss' because that's what you're implying when you state your goal that way. That's the thought behind that statement.
There are 3 main problems with stating your desire this way.
- Since the predominant thought behind the statement is 'abundant weight' or 'excess weight', that is what you get. Remember, you get what you think about most of the time. You become what you think about - it's the way your mind works, whether you're aware of it or not.
- Since there is also a thought on 'losing weight', there is the danger of your subconscious finding creative ways to help you lose weight, for example you could have an accident and lose a limb or something. You'd weigh less then, for sure. Not quite what you had in mind I'll bet.
- Your mind is designed to bring about what's best for you. So it doesn't want you to 'lose' anything. If you talk about losing weight, your mind will do everything to help you find it.
You can see how stating your goal the wrong way can set you up to lose the battle right from the start.
Many 'weight loss' programs fail because they deal with external activities without paying attention to what's going on in your mind. Yet your mind is what decides the results you get. The programs that teach you the right way to think are the ones that will help you maintain any weight level you seek.
A program that focuses on 'weight loss' is inadvertently focusing on attracting weight because that's the predominant thought throughout the program.
How should you state your goal then?
First of all you need to understand that 'weight' in itself is not the issue. What the weighing scale reads, is not the threat you face. Your threat is excess fat. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you've got a lot of lean muscle, you'd probably weigh more than someone who has the same amount of fat, yet they're are the ones in greater danger, healthwise.
This is one of the flaws of the BMI measurements that are so popular. Body Mass Index measurements measure your weight against your height. They *are* useful indicators of weight- related health risks, but because they do not take account of the source of the weight (fat or muscle), the readings can sometimes be misleading.
If you desire to 'lose weight', a better way is to speak in terms of 'releasing fat'. The best way to state a goal is in the present tense.
So you could say 'I am releasing at least 500grams of excess fat every week' or you could say 'I weigh....(state your desired weight) of lean muscle and 16% body fat (if that's your desired body fat percentage level)'.
Those are examples - try them on for size. Better yet, come up with ones of your own.
Notice how you feel when you rephrase your weight goals that way. Notice the shift in energy behind those words.
Now here's a paradigm shift for you:
what if your goal statement had *nothing* to do with weight or fat. What if your goal statement focused on 'health'. Do you think you could achieve your ideal weight with that sort of goal statement?
Absolutely! This is, in my opinion, the best way to state a 'weight' goal.
Here's the thing: a perfectly healthy body is not over-weight. It's not under-weight either. When you are in perfect, true health, your body *naturally* releases excess fat and holds onto just what it needs to function perfectly.
So here's my challenge to you.
Don't join the masses who obsess about their body weight. A wise man once said that if you see the majority doing something, you'd better go the other way.
Be one of the few people who are truly 'health conscious'. What you are conscious of is what you attract. So state your goal as 'I am perfectly healthy now', and focus on that thought, for that is what you'll attract.
When you look in the mirror and what you see doesn't reflect your goal, remind yourself that your statement refers to the 'real' you, not the 'case' you move around in. The good thing about this is that your subconscious will latch onto your predominant thought which is 'I am perfectly healthy now', and guide you to do things that make it your physical reality.
It's amazing the way your mind works. Learn to make it work for you though, not against you.
Upgrade your 'weight' goal today. Focus on perfect health, for the 'ideal weight' is part of the 'perfect health' package.
Let me leave you with an excellent way to state your new and improved 'weight' goal. I learnt this (the 'I am so happy and thankful' bit) from Bob Proctor. Go ahead and say it out loud with me now:
"I am so happy and thankful that I am perfectly healthy now".
Make that your predominant thought and it will become your physical reality in good time.
Have a fantastic, healthy day!
Blessings to ya.
Dr Kem