Sunday, April 06, 2014


Dreams, Visions and Goals are on my mind. Thoughts at the moment - I'll use the word 'dream' to represent Dreams, Visions and Goals:

a) YOU have been given YOUR dream for a reason. It's YOURS. Not someone else's.

b) You came into this world FULLY EQUIPPED with all you could possibly need, to make this vision come to pass. You won't begin to access this until you recognise this truth. You're all that and a bag of something healthy. You've got what it takes to make that dream become real, regardless of your current circumstances.

c) Your dream has been given to YOU by your Creator, for the purpose of serving many. It ain't about you, folks, though you do get to reap the benefits of living your dream, big time.

d) Don't be afraid to have a BHAD (Big, Hairy, Audacious Dream) - the One who's put it in your heart is Bigger than you or it or anyone else. Plus you've got what it takes to make it come to pass. If it's not big enough or audacious enough you ain't seeing the vision clearly yet.

e) This world is run by people who held on tenaciously to **and** took consistent action based on their BHAD.

f) No matter the size of your dream, you WILL have nay sayers. It's ok. Somebody's gotta be them. So let them be, and refuse to let them shift your focus off your dream/vision/goal.

g) Your dream is a seed. Just as a farmer does not agitate about **how** the seed he plants turns into a tree, your job is not to agitate about **how** your dream will become reality. Your job is to plant the seed (get clear on what exactly you desire out of life), then start wherever you are to do the best you can at what you are currently doing, in an attitude of gratitude that no matter what, your dream is coming true. Tis a law of nature - harvest time *MUST* come for you as long as you keep nurturing that dream seed by your thoughts, words and actions.

h) You've gotta SHOW UP for your dream to come true. It is impossible to make excuses and show up at the same time.
SHOW UP on time, wherever you should be, and do the best you can at whatever you should be doing. **Whether or not you feel like it.**

Show up at work on time, do the best you can.

Show up for your workout (wherever you are - home/gym/work ) and put in the time.

Show up in your kitchen and invest time in preparing healthy dishes.

Show up at your desk and study your course material.

Show up in your room or wherever, and rehearse that speech/play/recital etc.

Show up at your choir practice and train that voice best you can.

Show up in your life and study personal development material to better yourself.

Show up in your child's life and be a hands on parent. Take responsibility and don't blame the school or the government for how your child turns out. You were there first in their life.

Show up in your partner's life and give 100% expecting nothing back.

Whatever you desire to be, do or have, you've first gotta SHOW UP!

Your dream and the millions who would benefit from it coming true, depends on you SHOWING UP.