King Solomon wrote (and remember, he was the wisest man ever, and the wealthiest man ever - so he must have known a thing or two about what he wrote): "The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness"
The words I want you to think about carefully are:
- Thoughts
- Diligent
- Only
- Plentousness.
Ever heard of the concept of 'Be->Do->Have'?
This is where that concept was born:
- Thoughts = 'Be' or who you are 'being'
- Diligent = 'Do' or what you are doing and how you're doing it
- Plentousness = 'Have' self explanatory.
I love that the only other word Solomon adds there is 'only' - which adds the meaning that there's only one possible outcome for you when you are 'being' a certain type of person and 'doing' things in a certain way. There's just no other option.
It's as precise an equation as you could ever get:
Thought + Diligence = Plentousness.
This is Personal Development, Motivational Speaking, Success Coaching, Wealth Attraction Coaching/teaching etc, in a nutshell: each of these wonderful fields, aims to help you cultivate the type of thinking skills that cause you to take the right actions so that your results are what you desire.
So today I'd love to share with you a few thinking skills you can start applying today, to put you track for success, victory, 'plentousness' in any area of your life you desire to experience it.
The Thinking Skills that create the perfect environment for you to take diligent action, include:
- Choice (and responsibility). You've got the power to choose the outcomes of your life and whether you're aware of it or not, you're exercising that power. Your current outcome in life screams out what choices you've made in the preceding days, weeks, months, years. To change the outcome, make deliberate choices in the direction of your desired result: choose to think differently (apply the rest of the thinking skills below), choose to speak differently, choose to act differently. Then take responsibility for the consequences of your choices.
- Decision: decide what your goal (intended outcome/result) is. Decide you've had enough lack, misery, ill health, mediocrity, abuse, low confidence, etc. Decide now. There is power in decision.
- Creative visualisation: you've gotta have a vision of the end result you seek, even before you take your first step. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? 3 years? 1 year? I could write loads more about this but I've gotta go through this list right now so I can go to work and not be late! There are lots of resources available online anyway, that teach this also. However I will send you a link when you sign up for any of the FREE newsletters over at .
- Creative bombardment: you've gotta literally bombard your senses with images of this desired vision: careful to filter out junk and distraction from your eyes and ears because these senses receive messages into your mind, where the goal-seeking mechanism operates. So you want to only allow and deliberately insert into your mind, thoughts, words, images that align with your desired end result.
If you desire wealth or health don't be watching tv shows where poverty, sickness and mediocrity are laughed over or focused on: watch shows that reflect wealth, prosperity, success; don't be hanging around people who complain and moan all the time about their ill health or their debts and such: hang around with people who talk about the good things in their lives and who are taking action to attract increase into their lives. You get the point here, dontcha. Read books, listen to cds, watch dvds or online videos which bombard your mind with the image of 'plentousness'.
- Forgiveness. Unforgiveness, malice, unresolved conflict - these are burdens that weigh you down so that you are unable to function at your best. Also, they block the channel for your blessings and 'plentousness' to get to you. So really, forgive anyone who's hurt you - you're doing it more for yourself than for them! - forgive, let go of all hurt or anger you're clinging to. And I don't say this lightly.
Watch my youtube video on 'How To Be Selfish To Succeed - aka Love Yourself', you'll hear my story and see how come I do not say this lightly at all. You will also discover how it was these same thinking skills that turned things around for me. Forgive. It's a powerful thinking skill. Forgive. It's not worth holding onto that emotional junk. Forgiving frees you to soar to greater levels than you'd possibly imagined.
- Love. The most powerful thinking skill. The actions that stem from love can only lead to success. Love God, love yourself, love your neighbour, love your colleagues, love your partner, love your kids, love your friends, love your job, love your vision; just be all about love in yourself. This topic is too huge for me to go into at this time so I'll leave you with Og Mandino's advice (from 'The Greatest Salesman In The World'): start each day saying 'I greet this day with love in my heart'; to everyone you come across today, whether or not you know them, say in your heart, but directed to that person, 'I love you'. Try it today and see what happens :)
- Gratitude. This one right here does various things: by being grateful for the vision you've got (you're grateful to God that it is coming to pass, for example), you are automatically focusing on what you desire - and what you focus on, expands, see! What you focus on becomes real. Not by magic, but by the fact that your focus motivates you to take appropriate action, and as we know, 'thought + action = results'. Gratitude sends an upward effect, and triggers a downward response right back to ya - 'when the praises go up, God's blessings come down'. Gratitude keeps you in the right frame of mind to do what you need to do, to succeed. Practice daily gratitude.
Start a 'gratitude journal' today; at the end of each day, write down at least 5 things you're thankful for (nothing is too small or too big to make the list) and read that list again next morning before you leave home for work or your day's activities. Be on the lookout for things to be grateful for throughout the day (seek and ye shall find, see.) Be grateful!
- Faith. Belief. Each of these thinking skills is a stand alone seminar topic(!) but I'll give you the gist of it today. Whatever you desire, believe you receive it and ye shall have it (according to Jesus Christ - and He don't lie...). Believe your vision is happening. Believe you can do whatever you need to do. You can do it. Yes you can. Believe that God - the almighty, Creator of the Universe - is on your side, that He is willing and able, not just to help you, but also able to do exceedingly, abundantly, worlds more than you could ever ask or even think, and He's wanting to unleash all this power in your life - if you let Him.
Believe in your product. Believe in your service. Believe in your book. Believe in yourself. Believe in others. Believe that what you say, comes to pass (which is why if you speak to a mountain and believe that what you have said will come to pass, you get what you say - again, Jesus said this, not me. I only know to [choose to] believe what He says and my goodness does it come true!)
Get your thinking skills right, then back them up with diligence (aka appropriate action) and your massive success is practically guaranteed.
Remember, as surely as 1 + 1 = 2, Thought + Diligence = Plentousness.
Have a phenomenally successful day, dear reader.
I appreciate you.
Blessings in abundance to ya!
PS: Would you like me to Speak to your group about these topics? Wherever you are in the world, it can be arranged ('virtual reality' :) ) - just drop me a line here: Contact Me
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