Listen, be encouraged and most importantly, TAKE ACTION!
Thinking skills and practical tips to get you from where you are to where you want to go (because your current level of thinking will keep you where you're at!) To change your game to another level, change your thinking: this blog shows you how.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Diligence and Discipline!
This success message was inspired by the study of the 24th Chapter of Proverbs.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Have You Got Syndrome X??
No, it's not the title of the latest sci-fi movie. 'Syndrome X', also known as 'The Metabolic Syndrome', is a collection of symptoms which, when they occur together in one person, indicate a predisposition to diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.
Experts estimate that about 25% of the population have the condition - not surprising when you consider the general trend towards unhealthy, inactive lifestyles today. That means that 1 in 4 people have this potentially fatal condition.
Scary, huh? It's true though, so you'd better be aware of it, because you or someone you know, may be at risk.
How do you know if you've got Syndrome X? The symptoms include:
-Excessive fat in and around your abdomen ('central obesity'): yup, those love handles are danger signals, baby!
-Blood fat disorders - low HDL ('good cholesterol') and high triglycerides.
-Raised blood pressure (130/85 or higher)
-Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance (where your body can't properly use insulin or blood sugar): this right here is actually thought to be the underlying cause of the syndrome's also why the syndrome is called 'prediabetes'...
-Easy clotting of blood.
Because the syndrome is generally associated with insulin resistance, the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably. When you are resistant to insulin, your body tends to store fat. When you're sensitive to insulin (the normal state), your body releases any excess fat available.
Two factors which lead to insulin resistance are excessive fat (overweight people are more likely to be resistant than others) and physical inactivity.
What can you do TODAY to reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and the other serious illnesses related to Syndrome X?
-Get active. Begin to walk every day. Briskly. Start with 15 minute walks each day, then gradually increase until you can walk for 30 minutes each day. Don't make excuses now: if it's too cold outside then walk inside your house, up the stairs, etc. You don't need a fancy gym membership to get active, just find something you enjoy doing and stick to it. Then incorporate strength training exercises every other day, such as the six simple ones described in this post...
-Start eating right. Eat at least 5 times a day, and make the portions small.
--Eat only when you're hungry and stop eating once you feel full.
--Cut out all grains and processed carbohydrates, eat lots of unprocessed foods esp vegetables and fruit (in the ration of 3 veg: 2 fruit. or 4veg:1 fruit per day if you are overweight...),
--Eat lean cuts of meat unless you're eating grass fed, free range organic animals free from hormones and pesticides and antibiotics.
--Get a decent supply of healthy fats (eg saturated fats from sources above, coconut oil for cooking, olive oil - raw, unheated; mono -unsaturated fats)
-- Drink lots of water.
--Take high quality nutritional supplements which are guaranteed to be potent and bioavailable (easily absorbed into your bloodstream), to round out/complete your healthy eating regimen.
--Cut out all grains and processed carbohydrates, eat lots of unprocessed foods esp vegetables and fruit (in the ration of 3 veg: 2 fruit. or 4veg:1 fruit per day if you are overweight...),
--Eat lean cuts of meat unless you're eating grass fed, free range organic animals free from hormones and pesticides and antibiotics.
--Get a decent supply of healthy fats (eg saturated fats from sources above, coconut oil for cooking, olive oil - raw, unheated; mono -unsaturated fats)
-- Drink lots of water.
--Take high quality nutritional supplements which are guaranteed to be potent and bioavailable (easily absorbed into your bloodstream), to round out/complete your healthy eating regimen.
-Bottom line here: if you're overweight, you need to lose the excess fat and get physically active in order to make your body sensitive to the insulin it makes. Doing this greatly reduces your risk of such life debilitating conditions as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Strokes and the like.
Even if you're not overweight, make sure you're physically active and eating the right type of food in the right amounts.
Don't put this off any longer.
Syndrome X is a real and present danger and you could be at risk.
Stop reading this right now, and go for your 15 minute walk. This minute. Go ahead - do it NOW.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
How To Have Fun To Succeed!
Life is an amazing trip. We all start out equal, with the same access to God (who some people refer to as the Universal Mind), with the same potential to manifest the outcomes we desire and bring them into reality, with the same potential to enjoy a life of abundance and joy.
We actually start out full of joy and anticipation - look at any healthy newborn baby and notice the fascination he has with the world around him. This fascination grows with every passing day. The simplest things make him happy, and when his first toothless smile appears, it's one of the best pictures of contentment you could ever imagine.
This baby grows into a toddler and young child with lots of dreams and imagination and visions of what could be.
As baby grows, he begins to receive input from all around him - his parents, siblings, relatives, school teachers and mates, the media - all bombard him with negative programming that distorts his view of the world. This same world, which he was most excited about earlier on, to the growing youngster now seems to be a bad place with nothing but hard times ahead.
Gone is the spontaneous joy and fascination with life.
Fast forward to today - where you are.
You've arrived at a place where you're asking whether this is all there is to life. You've lost your sense of wonder, your joy of simply being alive. You've definitely forgotten your dreams and are now skeptical of anyone who talks about them.
But your life doesn't have to be this way.
You can have an absolute blast every single day of your life, regardless of your circumstance or what's happening to you.
This is one of the greatest 'discoveries' of our generation - that you can literally create your own experience by changing your thoughts. Amazing, simple, but powerful and TRUE.
In 2006 successfully returned to medical practice after a 6 year break. My very first job fresh out of my long career break was in a busy Accident and Emergency department.
None of my colleagues had been out of medical practice, yet they were terrified of starting a new post in the Accident and Emergency department. They complained about the rota, complained about their allocated annual leave, had nothing good to say about the job.
I on the other hand, came to practice armed with a formidable mental attitude: I made a conscious, deliberate, decision that I was going to be happy and grateful every single day. I looked at the rota and saw that it was perfect and family friendly enough for me to continue home-schooling my son. I was (still am) constantly grateful to God for the opportunity to help so many people feel better on the inside *and* on the outside every day at 'work'.
The result?
Come my first day - busy day in the ER. I *knew* it was going to be a great day, because I had decided in advance to make it so. Nothing was going to take my joy from me. Not even the fact that (having been out of work for so long) I'd forgotten my stethoscope at home! I simply borrowed one off of a colleague and got on with the job.
I had such a fun time, other new colleagues were marvelling at the ease with which I had returned and dug right into the job. Obviously I still have a lot of memory refreshing to do, but with my fun and joyful attitude, it came back so easily to me. Before long I was at the top of my game once again, and have continued to soar at that level and above, since.
Same can be your daily story - decide today that you will have a fun day, and you will be very happy today no matter what. It's not what happens to you that determines or affects your joy - it's the way you interpret it that makes all the difference.
It's important for you to make this decision in advance.
When you do, then absolutely nothing can mess with your joy (unless you let it). Rather you become a source of joy for those around you.
Also, this attitude is most conducive for peak performance: you are better able to perform at your best in your job, business, studies, relationship, etc when you're in the right state of mind.
And here's the icing on the cake: a state of fun, ease and happiness/joy is the perfect (mental) environment for you to manifest your dreams. It is the most resourceful state for you to 'receive' instructions on what to do in order to make your dreams come true.
Easily, effortlessly, and fun!
Life *is* good if you desire it to be. Make it a great day!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Laughter instead of mourning! Your focus and results are your choice!!
My dad passed away a few days ago.
He'd been unwell, and I'd been taking care of him until the day before when he got suddenly even more unwell and I had to take him to hospital via ambulance. He passed onto a better life on the 22nd of November 2011.
I wept on the 22nd but have felt increasingly happy since then.
Reason: I realize more and more each day, that passing on was the best thing for daddy at this time - he'd been suffering from his illness which also caused him a lot of pain on most days you see, so it was a mercy that God cut short his suffering and took him from his earthly body. The real daddy lives on - he was always a spirit anyway - the body was only a temporary vehicle for that spirit.
Knowing this, knowing that daddy is now truly free from pain, sickness, stress and all the rubbish that earthly life can throw at you sometimes, makes me truly happy that he's gone home to Jesus.
What's this got to do with your success?
Your focus determines your emotions and your actions.
I have chosen to focus on the good life that daddy led, the fact that my brothers and I were able to spend time with him and keep him as comfortable as humanly possible while he was with us, and the even better life he is leading right now and for eternity, and that pleases me - dude's having a blast presently! This focus has empowered me to move on with life, to be full of joy, praise and thanksgiving to God, and also to console and comfort others touched by dad's passing.
I also know to choose my words carefully cos they also affect my focus. I refuse to say I've lost my dad - how can you lose someone when you know exactly where they are? Besides, 'loss' conjures sad images and emotions - not my cup of tea. No, I've not lost my dad. I know exactly where he is!
So I refer to his passing as just that. I don't even say he's dead anymore, cos I now realize that no, he's not! His body (earthly vehicle/container) may be, but he was never really his body anyway.
- You are not your body: your body is simply a vehicle that transports the real you, around on earth.
- You are a spirit. God made you in His image, and He's a spirit.
- This means that you, the real you, are perfect - no sickness, no weakness, no disease, no sadness or lack, no stress or grief etc; the real you is perfectly whole - abundantly wealthy, abundantly joyful, abundantly complete in every way!
The implication of this truth for you is tremendous:
- Your self esteem, your self image, gets a super turbo boost when this truth dawns on you. This is who you are, dear reader. A spirit made in God's image. This is why your thoughts are powerful, and become things. It's why your words are powerful, and come to pass. You're all of that, baby!
- Your self image determines the level of your performance in life. You can never perform above or beyond the image you have of yourself. Knowing that you've been made in God's image empowers you to know beyond a shadow of doubt that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, that you are above only, not beneath, the head and not the tail, etc, etc. You rock! You excel!
- Knowing who you really are, and focusing on this regardless of what the outside world looks like, empowers you to bring into physical reality, that which you are focusing on.
I'll let you chew on that for a while.
For now I'd like you to please think on these things, be thankful for who you are, and start acting like who you really are.
Your life, your success, depends entirely on it.
God bless ya!
He'd been unwell, and I'd been taking care of him until the day before when he got suddenly even more unwell and I had to take him to hospital via ambulance. He passed onto a better life on the 22nd of November 2011.
I wept on the 22nd but have felt increasingly happy since then.
Reason: I realize more and more each day, that passing on was the best thing for daddy at this time - he'd been suffering from his illness which also caused him a lot of pain on most days you see, so it was a mercy that God cut short his suffering and took him from his earthly body. The real daddy lives on - he was always a spirit anyway - the body was only a temporary vehicle for that spirit.
Knowing this, knowing that daddy is now truly free from pain, sickness, stress and all the rubbish that earthly life can throw at you sometimes, makes me truly happy that he's gone home to Jesus.
What's this got to do with your success?
Your focus determines your emotions and your actions.
I have chosen to focus on the good life that daddy led, the fact that my brothers and I were able to spend time with him and keep him as comfortable as humanly possible while he was with us, and the even better life he is leading right now and for eternity, and that pleases me - dude's having a blast presently! This focus has empowered me to move on with life, to be full of joy, praise and thanksgiving to God, and also to console and comfort others touched by dad's passing.
I also know to choose my words carefully cos they also affect my focus. I refuse to say I've lost my dad - how can you lose someone when you know exactly where they are? Besides, 'loss' conjures sad images and emotions - not my cup of tea. No, I've not lost my dad. I know exactly where he is!
So I refer to his passing as just that. I don't even say he's dead anymore, cos I now realize that no, he's not! His body (earthly vehicle/container) may be, but he was never really his body anyway.
Dear reader, there are some profound revelations in the above paragraphs, if you are willing to see:
- You are a spirit. God made you in His image, and He's a spirit.
- This means that you, the real you, are perfect - no sickness, no weakness, no disease, no sadness or lack, no stress or grief etc; the real you is perfectly whole - abundantly wealthy, abundantly joyful, abundantly complete in every way!
The implication of this truth for you is tremendous:
- Your self esteem, your self image, gets a super turbo boost when this truth dawns on you. This is who you are, dear reader. A spirit made in God's image. This is why your thoughts are powerful, and become things. It's why your words are powerful, and come to pass. You're all of that, baby!
- Your self image determines the level of your performance in life. You can never perform above or beyond the image you have of yourself. Knowing that you've been made in God's image empowers you to know beyond a shadow of doubt that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, that you are above only, not beneath, the head and not the tail, etc, etc. You rock! You excel!
- Knowing who you really are, and focusing on this regardless of what the outside world looks like, empowers you to bring into physical reality, that which you are focusing on.
I'll let you chew on that for a while.
For now I'd like you to please think on these things, be thankful for who you are, and start acting like who you really are.
Your life, your success, depends entirely on it.
God bless ya!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
How To Modify Your Genes!
Common medical 'knowledge' says you inherit certain conditions from your ancestors, that you have certain 'genetic predispositions'.
The problem with conventional 'knowledge' is that the masses accept it without challenging or questioning it.
This is dangerous.
No matter what anyone says, you are ultimately responsible for the physical manifestations you experience. We each are.
Your thoughts directly *and* indirectly affect your health.
We've known for a long time that thoughts somehow indirectly affect our state of health - stories abound as to how people 'healed themselves' of life-threatening conditions by applying certain thought-processes (faith-based prayer included).
Way back in medical school I learnt about how the 'higher centers' of the central nervous system were controlled by 'external factors' such as stress.
We now know and can now prove scientifically, how thoughts directly affect our bodies at the cellular level. This is thanks to ground-breaking research in molecular biology and neuroimaging. Epigenetics is showing some pretty fascinating results.
The effects of your thoughts can now be seen by state-of-the art imaging techniques.
What's more, the Human Genome Project yielded some even more fascinating findings: they discovered that your genes do not just express themselves according to some ancestral 'programming'. Rather, what determines the way your genes are expressed, is your thoughts.
Specifically, your perception of things.
For instance, if your dad suffers from cardiovascular disease and his father died from the same condition, conventional thinking says 'it runs in your family'.
Current science now proves that 'it runs in your family' because your (affected) family family members have accepted it as their fate.
There goes that same theme again: you get what you believe. Your belief becomes your reality. You are what you think.
If your perception of a diagnosis of breast cancer is one of acceptance and resignation, you've effectively written your death sentence. If your perception of such a diagnosis is that 'I've already beat this thing' or 'My God is bigger than cancer so it's not a problem! I'm a victor in this situation, and those cancer cells need to 'be afraid, be very afraid!' '- then you've beat it and this will manifest in your body also. I can personally testify to the validity of this.
I bet you've heard of at least one person who 'had a fighting spirit' and so 'overcame' or 'conquered' the same malignancy.
The message in all of this is that you can literally modify the way your genes express themselves. You can choose your thoughts to reflect the physical reality you desire.
As a doctor, I can examine you and give you a diagnosis that I've been trained to give you. However, you have the option to accept my words as the final word on your condition, OR you can choose a better 'diagnosis' and prognosis for yourself.
Even if something 'runs in your family', you can decide *now* to end that trend by being the first person fr*e*e from that condition.
Now I'm the first one to tell you that this is much easier said than done, but it sure beats the alternative. Plus, if you persist in re-programming your mind and re-conditioning your thoughts, you will definitely see the results you desire.
This takes commitment and persistence, and a stubborn determination that no matter how things look on the outside, you will stick to your inner vision of perfect, true health until it manifests on the outside.
Can you do it? You bet!
Is it going to take work on your part? Absolutely, but isn't it worth the effort? Aren't you worth it? You deserve to be perfectly healthy, to function the way you were created to function. So take the first step today and decide to modify your genetic (and other) expressions.
This is the essence of The First Pillar of A Healthy Life, folks. It sets you up, puts you in a frame of mind to ACT on the remaining pillars of a truly healthy life.
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about health & fitness, personal development, success principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
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Yes, YOU Can!
If you could change one thing in your life today, what would it be? Why don't you have some of the things you'd like to have, and why do you have some? What's the reason for the inconsistency?
Do you find yourself wondering what people think of you? Has that line of thinking ever made you doubt your abilities and your potential?
Do you ever catch yourself thinking 'I can't do that, I'm not good enough' or 'that level of success and prosperity is for them, not for poor old me', or other similar thoughts?
One thing you must realize is that your success in any venture starts with your thoughts about it. If you think you can succeed (in losing weight, stopping smoking, securing a high-income- paying job, finding your ideal partner, etc, etc), you're already on your way to getting what you want.
If you think you can't succeed, if you doubt that you can, you've just set yourself up for failure and self sabotage.
Like Henry Ford said, ''if you think you can or if you think you can't, you're probably right'. It's up to you to make things happen in your life.
The way your mind works, it accepts whatever you feed it as reality. Your subconscious doesn't argue with you if you feed it with negative thoughts or positive thoughts - it just accepts it and goes about helping you making it manifest. So if you feed it with thoughts of success (eg 'I CAN lose weight healthily', 'I CAN stop smoking', 'I CAN find a high- income paying job, etc, etc), it will work to make it happen.'
You'll become alert to opportunities (and they are all around you if you'd only open your eyes and look) to move you towards your desired results.
Conversely, if you feed your mind with negative thoughts such as the ones above, your mind doesn't bother to find solutions to your problems. It closes up. You wouldn't recognize an opportunity to help you out if it slapped you in the face.
You know, it takes the same amount of effort to think positive thoughts as it takes to think negative thoughts. If positive thoughts help move you towards your goals while negative ones move you further away from them, it makes sense to dwell on the positive.
Positive thinking is but a step in the journey called 'success'. You need to back your thoughts with ACTION. You can think positive thoughts until your brain gets the cramps but if all you do is think and not act, you'd be wasting your time.
The good thing about positive thinking is that it puts you in the right frame of mind to take appropriate action.
~*~END of SIDEBAR~*~
Mark Twain (and later Napoleon Hill) said that 'What the human mind can conceive and believe, the human mind can achieve'.
The problem comes up after conceiving a potentially great idea. The little voice inside you starts saying things like 'that's a crazy idea' or 'nobody's ever done that before -who do you think you are?'. Your friends and family make fun of your idea. You begin to get discouraged and to think 'maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all'.
What should you do when this happens? Take control of your thoughts, that's what. Your mind has conceived it, remember, so your mind CAN achieve it. You just need to line up your thoughts and actions with what you want to do.
Tell all those naysayers (internal and external) that you will succeed in reaching your goal.
The next line of thinking after 'I CAN' is 'I WILL'.
Feed yourself with thoughts like that about yourself (and act accordingly) and you'll see your confidence, awareness and productivity soar. You'll find yourself attracting those things you want into your life.
Who says you can't make it? Tell them you CAN and you WILL. Then go out there and make it happen.
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. A qualified professional Performance Coach, she specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Success Principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
How To Shrink Your Fibroids Naturally
I get asked a lot to advice women on how to shrink their fibroids without surgery.
So here're my top tips. But first, a bit of background on the issue.
A fibroid is a benign tumour of the smooth muscle cells of your uterus (womb).
A woman can have just one or multiple fibroids, in various parts of the womb as you can see from the diagram below.

c) Anti inflammatory state
If your fibroids are due to your being in a hyperinflammatory state (which can be the case if you're, among other things, eating the wrong types of food)…eating naturally anti-inflammatory foods may help, eg purified fish oil capsules, cumin, rosemary, hops, oats help reduce this.
d) Healthy Nutrition
e) Stress Management
f) Sunshine!
Here's to your Total Health!
Dr Kem
So here're my top tips. But first, a bit of background on the issue.
A fibroid is a benign tumour of the smooth muscle cells of your uterus (womb).
A woman can have just one or multiple fibroids, in various parts of the womb as you can see from the diagram below.
However the point of this article is not to tell you all about what a fibroid is - the focus is to tell you how to get rid of it without getting rid of your womb!
Symptoms of fibroid include these main ones: (if you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor to make sure there's no other cause for them)
- Heavy periods
- Painful periods
- Pelvic pain
- If large and pressing on your urinary bladder you may experience the feeling of going to pee often, and not emptying your bladder completely
The basis for this is controlling oestrogen levels in your body because one major factor in fibroids is excess oestrogens and oestrogen-like effects. This is why fibroids naturally shrink when a woman reaches the menopause - your level of estrogens decreases after the menopause.
The basis for this is controlling oestrogen levels in your body because one major factor in fibroids is excess oestrogens and oestrogen-like effects. This is why fibroids naturally shrink when a woman reaches the menopause - your level of estrogens decreases after the menopause.
Note that the reasons for fibroids in your case may be different for the reasons in another woman, as you will see below from the lists of causes of increased oestrogens. So you'd need to have a discussion with a Healthy Lifestyle Medicine practitioner to ascertain what is the cause in your case, if it's not clear to you after reading this post:
Causes of increased oestrogens
- Stress
- Overweight/obesity
- Contraceptive pills (the combined pill)
- Pregnancy
Causes of increased oestrogen effect
- Substances that mimic oestrogens in your body, such as pesticides used in non-organic foods, soy hormones used in non organic beef, poultry, etc.
How to Shrink your fibroids, naturally
(First make sure your doctor has assessed you to confirm there is no other gynaecological condition you're suffering from, apart from the fibroids).
The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life will guarantee you to be free from symptoms of fibroid, because it takes care of these components:
a) Healthy Liver
This includes avoiding things which not only contain oestrogens, but also things which mimic oestrogens, such as certain toxins (such as the pesticides used in non-organic foods) and pollutants (which is why a healthy liver is essential to your total health: it helps your body get rid of these toxins, thus contributes to shrinking your fibroids if this is the cause in your case.)
- Stress
- Overweight/obesity
- Contraceptive pills (the combined pill)
- Pregnancy
Causes of increased oestrogen effect
- Substances that mimic oestrogens in your body, such as pesticides used in non-organic foods, soy hormones used in non organic beef, poultry, etc.
How to Shrink your fibroids, naturally
(First make sure your doctor has assessed you to confirm there is no other gynaecological condition you're suffering from, apart from the fibroids).
The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life will guarantee you to be free from symptoms of fibroid, because it takes care of these components:
a) Healthy Liver
This includes avoiding things which not only contain oestrogens, but also things which mimic oestrogens, such as certain toxins (such as the pesticides used in non-organic foods) and pollutants (which is why a healthy liver is essential to your total health: it helps your body get rid of these toxins, thus contributes to shrinking your fibroids if this is the cause in your case.)
Practising the 8 Pillars keeps your liver detoxified. In addition, if you suffer from fibroids, I would recommend that you take a high quality supplement that contains nutrients that support your liver function.
b) Healthy Weight
Excess oestrogens are stored in fat cells. Fibroids have been shown to occur more often in overweight women. If this is the cause for your fibroids, then when you lose weight, your fibroids will shrink.
Excess oestrogens are stored in fat cells. Fibroids have been shown to occur more often in overweight women. If this is the cause for your fibroids, then when you lose weight, your fibroids will shrink.
An overweight body is an unhealthy body. The whole point of The 8 Pillars of a Healthy Life is to empower you to transform your body into a healthy body: weight loss is a pleasant 'side effect' of this process.
An 'aside' I have to throw in here: excess sugar gets stored as fat, thanks to the hormone when you minimize your sugar intake, you help your body release excess fat. All helps win the battle against the 'broids.
For more on this, sign up for the FREE women's newsletter 'Success Tips for Women' over at .
c) Anti inflammatory state
If your fibroids are due to your being in a hyperinflammatory state (which can be the case if you're, among other things, eating the wrong types of food)…eating naturally anti-inflammatory foods may help, eg purified fish oil capsules, cumin, rosemary, hops, oats help reduce this.
Certain lifestyle habits keep your body in a hyperinflammatory state. For instance eating a lot of processed foods, eg refined carbohydrates, processed meats, etc contribute to this. Lack of physical activity also contributes to this because then your body is unable to produce the substances that protect you from this effect. So get moving, ladies - exercise is good for more than just weight loss!
d) Healthy Nutrition
In addition to the basic healthy nutrition guidelines you follow in The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life, you need to :
Avoid food that has been injected with hormones eg meat, poultry.
Eat only (or mostly) organic foods as these are free from pesticides
Include non GM soy isoflavones (about 80mg/day) in your diet.
Avoid food that has been injected with hormones eg meat, poultry.
Eat only (or mostly) organic foods as these are free from pesticides
Include non GM soy isoflavones (about 80mg/day) in your diet.
e) Stress Management
This is part of the 1st Pillar of A Healthy Life.
Stress leads to release of cortisol. Cortisol increases fatty tissues and fat cells. Fat cells store excess oestrogens. Stress management is a way to manage your weight also.
Stress leads to release of cortisol. Cortisol increases fatty tissues and fat cells. Fat cells store excess oestrogens. Stress management is a way to manage your weight also.
Stress is really your (chosen) response to an event. So empower yourself today: choose to respond to events in ways that promote health and healing for yourself, rather than ways that cause your stress hormone level to be sky high.
f) Sunshine!
The 6th Pillar of A Healthy Life.
Vitamin D has been shown to halt the growth of fibroid cells, which could explain why fibroids are commoner in black women - dark skinned people make less vitamin D and thus have insufficient levels in their bodies for it to do its protective work.
Vitamin D helps your immune system suppress tumour activity. Fibroids are tumours (benign ones)
So take a blood test with your doctor (ask for 'Serum (25,OH) Vitamin D levels) and if your levels are below normal, take a good vitamin D3 supplement at a dose of 2000IU per day.
Vitamin D has been shown to halt the growth of fibroid cells, which could explain why fibroids are commoner in black women - dark skinned people make less vitamin D and thus have insufficient levels in their bodies for it to do its protective work.
Vitamin D helps your immune system suppress tumour activity. Fibroids are tumours (benign ones)
So take a blood test with your doctor (ask for 'Serum (25,OH) Vitamin D levels) and if your levels are below normal, take a good vitamin D3 supplement at a dose of 2000IU per day.
g) Miscellaneous
Needless to say you must stop smoking and other such unhealthy habits, and keep your alcohol intake to the barest minimum, as these contribute to your worsening fibroids.
You CAN beat this, ladies!
You CAN shrink your fibroid!
You CAN avoid needless surgery!
Give your body a chance to do what it does best: heal and restore itself. However, it can't do this if it is receiving less than optimal treatment from you.
That's why I've written this overview on The 8 Pillars of a Healthy Life to stir you up to treating your body the right way - when you do, your body will reward you with health. No more fibroids!
Dr Kem
The Difference Between Champions and Losers...
Champions are champions because they do what they have to do to win, whether they feel like doing it or not.
This is one thing that differentiates winners from losers in this game of life.
It's a universal principle that applies across the board in every worthwhile endeavor. What are you looking to achieve this year? Have you sat down and counted the cost, do you know what price you have to pay to achieve it? Are you committed to paying that price?
You see, paying the price is not always fun, but because champions realize it's the only way to reach their goal, they go ahead and pay it anyway.
Those who lose in life avoid paying the price because it's too much of an inconvenience. It's not fun. These same people make excuses to justify their unwillingness to pay the price for success. For such people, the process is too much to ask.
Champions on the other hand, focus on the destination and consider the process as a temporary journey that's necessary to get them there.
You are a potential champion. You've got what it takes to do what Tiger Woods, Bill Gates and Oprah are doing, and even potentially more.
You've got to be willing to pay the price for your success though. Are you? Or do you just pay lip service to it? Ball's in your court. You can finish this year much stronger than when you started, if you get your act together, decide what you intend to achieve, count the cost of achieving it and then start now to pay the necessary price.
Remember, you're bound to pay a price one way or another. It's either the price of disciplining yourself to succeed, or it's the price of regret for failing to succeed. Why not choose the path of champions today? You're already one on the inside anyway. Let the champion in you out! Champions pay the price. Remember that.
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about health & fitness, personal development and Women's issues. Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
How To Program Your Mind For Success
One of my clients feels down.
She says she feels worthless, like she is 'a piece of doo doo' (her own words), that the world would be better off without her in it. (Now, after I asked her other questions to make sure she had no actual suicidal intents or plans, and got the 'depression' side of things out of the way, the conversation continued.)
'What makes you feel so bad about yourself?' I asked her.
'I've been told over and over that I'm rubbish: my mom told me I'd never amount to anything because I was rubbish; my first husband told me I was rubbish and beat me up because of it, my second husband called me a rubbish wife and mother and also beat me up til I got the police to get him out, and now my daughter, who I love to bits, tells me when we have an argument, that I'm a rubbish mom, and she hopes she never grows up to be like me. And when you hear the same thing over and over again you start to believe it.'
This poor woman had come to believe the worst about herself because of what she'd been told all her life.
She'd been listening to the same tape being played over and over albeit in different players (by different people).
If only she knew then what I'm about to tell you now (I did share the following info with her though, and it made a big difference, but more on that later...for now, read on.).
What she did not realize was that within her own statement lay the key to her breakthrough.
The key sentence which hid the solution to her situation was: 'when you hear the same thing enough times/over and over, you start to believe it.'
That statement is not only true, but it has a sound scientific basis behind it, which I won't go into today.
The human mind is an amazing machine.
When you hear the same thing over and over again, you really do believe it to be true. Whether or not it really is true. Your mind doesn't distinguish between fact and reality. It just accepts whatever you feed it, and causes it to grow as you continue to think about that thing/hear the same thing repeatedly. And what you believe about yourself determines how you feel (your emotions), your actions (behaviour) and eventual results in life.
Do you begin to see how you can manipulate this fact to your own benefit?
The beauty of this is that your mind doesn't care who's saying it, as long as it hears it over and over again, it comes to take it as gospel truth.
In other words, it doesn't matter who's playing the tape, your mind accepts the programming anyway.
So the key to my client's breakthrough, and to yours, is to change the 'tape' you're listening to. Get proactive and become the player of the right type of tape, and refuse to listen to other, contrary tapes.
Be like Russell Crowe's character in 'A Beautiful Mind', who, by the end of the movie had learnt how to overcome his demons such that even though the hallucinations remained, they did not affect his life as they'd done earlier. Because the negative tape-players won't go away - they'll always be there, but when you've mastered the tapes you listen to, their nasty voices won't affect you at all. You'd be an overcomer.
So begin to listen to a different tape from today. Be the player of the tape, find other players who are playing the same tape and hang around them, read books which 'play the same tape', listen to audios and watch videos which 'play the same tape'.
This is called proactive, creative, bombardment. It doesn't matter who's playing the tape - what matters is the content of the tape. Make it empowering, self-esteem-building, content.
It's the only way to overcome the effects of negative programming which can have such devastating effects on your life.
I leave you this week with a thought.
The tape you listen to determines the calibre of people and circumstances you attract into your life. This woman had listened to the wrong tape all her life, and, having built a strong belief based on the content of that tape, she'd attracted men who had continued playing the same tape.
What calibre of relationships (friends, spouse or partner, etc) are you surrounded by right now? How do people at work/school relate to you?
What does your answer say about the sort of tape you've listened to all your life?
Isn't it time you changed tapes and started playing one that says only empowering, success-attracting, stuff? Isn't it time you listened to, surrounded yourself with, people who played the same sort of tape?
About The Author
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about health & fitness, personal development and Women's issues. Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
Read Your Food Labels, people!!
Every day, people are being deceived into thinking they are buying healthy foods when they buy things with such labels as 'fat free', or 'sugar free'. They faithfully buy these products but then notice no improvement in their health, rather they notice the weight stays on and perhaps piles on even more, and their cholesterol levels keep rising.
Take a look at the food ingredient label below, from a 'health food/cereal'. What do you think of it?
I tell you, the box that this product came in, is probably healthier than the product itself.
Most every week at the surgery, someone will moan to me that they don't understand why their health indices are not improving, seeing as they eat only low or no fat products and don't use sugar but use sweeteners.
So today let me explain to you once and for all what's what.
Whenever a food claims to be fat free or low fat, (check the ingredient label and you will find that...) sugar has been added to it to make it palatable for you. This is processed sugar. Guess what happens to it in your body: it wreaks havoc to your metabolism, and drives your hormones to cause you to store it as fat.
So your processed 'fat-free' foods are actually making you fatter and sicker.
Whenever a food claims to be sugar free, chances are it contains sweeteners like aspartame. Apart from the fact that aspartame is a known poison (a later article will deal with this very real, very serious issue), feeding your body with these 'low calorie sweeteners' also messes with the hormones that control hunger and satiety, causing you to have impaired controls such that you are unable to know when you are actually full - so you wind up eating more overall, leading to overall weight gain.
When a food contains sugar, it's processed sugar, which causes you to release the hormone insulin. Insulin being released more than normal due to high sugar intake (such as if you eat the product whose label is shown above ), causes your body to store the excess sugar as fat. The more fat you have the more insulin resistant you become, and this puts you at risk of a whole host of chronic deadly diseases, including diabetes mellitus and heart disease, not to mention overweight and obesity.
Note that 'sugar' on a food label ingredient list, includes anything that ends in '-ose' eg dextrose, fructose (with high fructose corn syrup being one of the worst out there...), sucrose, etc.
Folks, ignorance is NOT bliss.
What you don't know WILL hurt you.
Take control of your health today: read labels. Avoid processed foods. Avoid fat-free or sugar-free things. Avoid foods containing sugar.
Rather, seek out sources of food which are wholesome and healthful and have had minimal handling from origin.
If you eat meat, seek out the free range, grass-fed variety, which has not had any hormones or antibiotics injected into it (such chemicals get stored in the fat of such animals, so if you're not getting your meat from a farm that rears grass-fed , chemical-free animals, you should eat lean cuts of meat).
If you take dairy, seek out raw dairy that's from cows that have been reared as described above (grass fed, chemical-free). Unprocessed dairy is healthy if you're not allergic to dairy. It's the processed stuff (pasteurized, UHT ) that causes a lot of harm though.
Train yourself to enjoy the sweetness that comes from fresh fruit- but don't over eat these either as too much of a good thing can be bad...
But please do not be one of those people who gets deceived by smart, glossy marketing tactics.
Read your food labels and don't get suckered into unhealthy foods and drinks pretending to be healthy.
For an overview on what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, pop on over to and read about
The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Lifestyle
About The Author
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about health & fitness, personal development and Women's issues. Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
Take a look at the food ingredient label below, from a 'health food/cereal'. What do you think of it?
I tell you, the box that this product came in, is probably healthier than the product itself.
Most every week at the surgery, someone will moan to me that they don't understand why their health indices are not improving, seeing as they eat only low or no fat products and don't use sugar but use sweeteners.
So today let me explain to you once and for all what's what.
Whenever a food claims to be fat free or low fat, (check the ingredient label and you will find that...) sugar has been added to it to make it palatable for you. This is processed sugar. Guess what happens to it in your body: it wreaks havoc to your metabolism, and drives your hormones to cause you to store it as fat.
So your processed 'fat-free' foods are actually making you fatter and sicker.
Whenever a food claims to be sugar free, chances are it contains sweeteners like aspartame. Apart from the fact that aspartame is a known poison (a later article will deal with this very real, very serious issue), feeding your body with these 'low calorie sweeteners' also messes with the hormones that control hunger and satiety, causing you to have impaired controls such that you are unable to know when you are actually full - so you wind up eating more overall, leading to overall weight gain.
When a food contains sugar, it's processed sugar, which causes you to release the hormone insulin. Insulin being released more than normal due to high sugar intake (such as if you eat the product whose label is shown above ), causes your body to store the excess sugar as fat. The more fat you have the more insulin resistant you become, and this puts you at risk of a whole host of chronic deadly diseases, including diabetes mellitus and heart disease, not to mention overweight and obesity.
Note that 'sugar' on a food label ingredient list, includes anything that ends in '-ose' eg dextrose, fructose (with high fructose corn syrup being one of the worst out there...), sucrose, etc.
Folks, ignorance is NOT bliss.
What you don't know WILL hurt you.
Take control of your health today: read labels. Avoid processed foods. Avoid fat-free or sugar-free things. Avoid foods containing sugar.
Rather, seek out sources of food which are wholesome and healthful and have had minimal handling from origin.
If you eat meat, seek out the free range, grass-fed variety, which has not had any hormones or antibiotics injected into it (such chemicals get stored in the fat of such animals, so if you're not getting your meat from a farm that rears grass-fed , chemical-free animals, you should eat lean cuts of meat).
If you take dairy, seek out raw dairy that's from cows that have been reared as described above (grass fed, chemical-free). Unprocessed dairy is healthy if you're not allergic to dairy. It's the processed stuff (pasteurized, UHT ) that causes a lot of harm though.
Train yourself to enjoy the sweetness that comes from fresh fruit- but don't over eat these either as too much of a good thing can be bad...
But please do not be one of those people who gets deceived by smart, glossy marketing tactics.
Read your food labels and don't get suckered into unhealthy foods and drinks pretending to be healthy.
For an overview on what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, pop on over to and read about
The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Lifestyle
About The Author
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about health & fitness, personal development and Women's issues. Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
How To Approach Every Challenge To Guarantee A Successful Outcome!
The root source of pretty much every outcome in your life right now
is right between your ears.
Thoughts really are things.
They really do have the power to bring about the physical
manifestation of themselves, if you hold onto them long enough.
The sooner you accept this fact the sooner you will see your breakthrough.
What you think about, what you focus on, really does expand into reality.
What is your current challenge?
No money in the bank?
Poor health?
Unhappy relationship?
Name the challenge.
Acknowledge it.
But don't dwell on it.
If you focus your thoughts on your challenge, if you keep on rehashing the
current situation, you'll get more of the same. You'll stay stuck where you are.
You won't move ahead out of the situation. Worse still, when you focus on
the current challenge and how bad things are, you experience the emotions
of fear, panic, sometimes even depression.
This is because the more you think about a problem, the bigger it seems to
get, until you become overwhelmed and paralysed by the stress of it all.
What you focus on expands.
However, if you start thinking of ways to solve the challenge, you immediately
cause a shift in the atmosphere around you. If you continue thinking of ways
to solve it, you will find yourself becoming aware of possible solutions to the
If you continue thinking of ways to solve the challenge, and you actually
act on the ideas you receive in this resourceful frame of mind, you will definitely
overcome that challenge.
The more you focus on the solution, the bigger the solution becomes and the
smaller the problem seems in comparison. This perspective empowers you
to go out there and do something about the challenge.
But first you must believe.
You must believe that you've got what it takes to overcome your specific challenge.
You must believe that God wants to help you overcome it.
You must believe that each challenge has within it the solution to it.
You must believe in yourself and your (God-given) abilities.
You must believe that your specific challenge is surmountable and you can surmount it.
You must believe that there is a way out and you can find it.
These types of thoughts take your mind off the problem and fix it on the solutions.
This way you are taking advantage of the fact that what you focus on expands.
You will find that by focusing on the solutions, your depression and negativity
lift and are replaced by hope and expectation.
But you must ACT though, on ideas that occur to you in this resourceful state.
Appropriate action is the bridge between your dreams and their achievement.
Discipline yourself to continue focusing on the solutions, even when things happen
to remind you of the problem eg you receive a message saying a payment has been
declined due to insufficient funds.
Acknowledge it, then shift your mind immediately to the solution you're working on.
And above all things be thankful.
Express gratitude for the challenge.
Be grateful for the solution that is available to you (even when it's not yet available
physiclally - thanking God for it anyway, brings about its transmutation from the
unseen to the seen realm, so be thankful anyway...).
You see, this is the underlying principle behind your situation.
Once you lay this groundwork on the inside of yourself, you're in a better position
to act on any ideas to solve the challenge that may be presented to you eg business
ideas, relationship-building ideas, health-maintaining ideas, etc, etc.
Trying to do the outward things without doing the inner work is a sure fire recipe
for disaster, even if you appear to experience short term, temporary, success.
So again I ask you:
What is your challenge?
But then I also ask you:
What are the possible solutions to this challenge?
The second question is what I want you to dwell on from now on, and related
questions (all to do with the solution, not the challenge), such as what do I need to
implement the solution I choose to work on?, etc.
Make this shift in your thinking right now and you will immediately cause
a change in direction of your future. Then commit to staying on course to
As you do this, the solution will not only become clear, it will become easy and
fun for you to implement.
You can do it!
Whatever you're going through, note that you're 'going through'.
It's temporary.
You're a winner in this game.
is right between your ears.
Thoughts really are things.
They really do have the power to bring about the physical
manifestation of themselves, if you hold onto them long enough.
The sooner you accept this fact the sooner you will see your breakthrough.
What you think about, what you focus on, really does expand into reality.
What is your current challenge?
No money in the bank?
Poor health?
Unhappy relationship?
Name the challenge.
Acknowledge it.
But don't dwell on it.
If you focus your thoughts on your challenge, if you keep on rehashing the
current situation, you'll get more of the same. You'll stay stuck where you are.
You won't move ahead out of the situation. Worse still, when you focus on
the current challenge and how bad things are, you experience the emotions
of fear, panic, sometimes even depression.
This is because the more you think about a problem, the bigger it seems to
get, until you become overwhelmed and paralysed by the stress of it all.
What you focus on expands.
However, if you start thinking of ways to solve the challenge, you immediately
cause a shift in the atmosphere around you. If you continue thinking of ways
to solve it, you will find yourself becoming aware of possible solutions to the
If you continue thinking of ways to solve the challenge, and you actually
act on the ideas you receive in this resourceful frame of mind, you will definitely
overcome that challenge.
The more you focus on the solution, the bigger the solution becomes and the
smaller the problem seems in comparison. This perspective empowers you
to go out there and do something about the challenge.
But first you must believe.
You must believe that you've got what it takes to overcome your specific challenge.
You must believe that God wants to help you overcome it.
You must believe that each challenge has within it the solution to it.
You must believe in yourself and your (God-given) abilities.
You must believe that your specific challenge is surmountable and you can surmount it.
You must believe that there is a way out and you can find it.
These types of thoughts take your mind off the problem and fix it on the solutions.
This way you are taking advantage of the fact that what you focus on expands.
You will find that by focusing on the solutions, your depression and negativity
lift and are replaced by hope and expectation.
But you must ACT though, on ideas that occur to you in this resourceful state.
Appropriate action is the bridge between your dreams and their achievement.
Discipline yourself to continue focusing on the solutions, even when things happen
to remind you of the problem eg you receive a message saying a payment has been
declined due to insufficient funds.
Acknowledge it, then shift your mind immediately to the solution you're working on.
And above all things be thankful.
Express gratitude for the challenge.
Be grateful for the solution that is available to you (even when it's not yet available
physiclally - thanking God for it anyway, brings about its transmutation from the
unseen to the seen realm, so be thankful anyway...).
You see, this is the underlying principle behind your situation.
Once you lay this groundwork on the inside of yourself, you're in a better position
to act on any ideas to solve the challenge that may be presented to you eg business
ideas, relationship-building ideas, health-maintaining ideas, etc, etc.
Trying to do the outward things without doing the inner work is a sure fire recipe
for disaster, even if you appear to experience short term, temporary, success.
So again I ask you:
What is your challenge?
But then I also ask you:
What are the possible solutions to this challenge?
The second question is what I want you to dwell on from now on, and related
questions (all to do with the solution, not the challenge), such as what do I need to
implement the solution I choose to work on?, etc.
Make this shift in your thinking right now and you will immediately cause
a change in direction of your future. Then commit to staying on course to
As you do this, the solution will not only become clear, it will become easy and
fun for you to implement.
You can do it!
Whatever you're going through, note that you're 'going through'.
It's temporary.
You're a winner in this game.
About the Author:
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Success Principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Success Principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
10 Low or No Cost Exercises You Can Start Today!
Most everyone knows that exercise is good for you.
People mostly talk about it in terms of helping them lose weight.
Now, while it is true that regular physical activity accounts for 15-20% of the process of losing weight (a crucial 15-20% nonetheless) - the rest of the process, by far the most important aspect, is your nutrition - regular exercise has several other real health benefits.
So real are these health benefits, exercise has been called 'the miracle cure we've always had but neglected to use...'! Here are just a few of these benefits you get from regular exercise:
- Aerobic/cardio
- Strength training/resistance training
- Flexibility training/stretching.
To get you started, here's a list of 10 fun exercises you can do and make part of your routine, but I suggest you pop into your local leisure centre and get free advice from a personal trainer on which of these to do, how often, etc.
I'll be posting more on these in due time, but if you're not sure of any exercise mentioned below you can youtube it and see some demonstrations.
There are lots more no-cost exercises you can incorporate into your life.
Where there is a will there's a way.
Quit making excuses for not exercising: get going already!
If you've got joint problems that make you unable to walk or cycle and such, do the non-impact exercises and include weight training with dumb bells in your regime. You can do this!
What are your thoughts on this issue? Please comment below.
People mostly talk about it in terms of helping them lose weight.
Now, while it is true that regular physical activity accounts for 15-20% of the process of losing weight (a crucial 15-20% nonetheless) - the rest of the process, by far the most important aspect, is your nutrition - regular exercise has several other real health benefits.
So real are these health benefits, exercise has been called 'the miracle cure we've always had but neglected to use...'! Here are just a few of these benefits you get from regular exercise:
- It increases insulin sensitivity - making it a very necessary part of your treatment if you've got Type 2 Diabetes
- Improves your bone density and thus prevents osteoporosis; promotes supple joints and can prevent arthritis
- Improves your brain function and potentially prevents Alzheimer's and other dementia
- Has been shown to be more effective than antidepressants, in treating depression
- Improves your sex life (bet that'll get your attention!)
- Increases your 'good' (HDL) cholesterol level
- Keeps your bowels functioning regularly
- Helps protect against certain cancers
- Improves your mood, helps you focus and concentrate more, thus enhances your performance and productivity.
- Lengthens your life
- Improves your blood pressure
- Aerobic/cardio
- Strength training/resistance training
- Flexibility training/stretching.
To get you started, here's a list of 10 fun exercises you can do and make part of your routine, but I suggest you pop into your local leisure centre and get free advice from a personal trainer on which of these to do, how often, etc.
I'll be posting more on these in due time, but if you're not sure of any exercise mentioned below you can youtube it and see some demonstrations.
- Walking
- Jump rope
- Dumbbell exercises
- Jumping Jacks
- Push ups
but seriously though:
- Lunges (with or without dumb bells)
- Burpees
- Pull ups
- Fitness Ball
- Resistance Band stretches.
- CyclingI know I said I'd give you 10 but I do like to go the extra mile :)
There are lots more no-cost exercises you can incorporate into your life.
Where there is a will there's a way.
Quit making excuses for not exercising: get going already!
If you've got joint problems that make you unable to walk or cycle and such, do the non-impact exercises and include weight training with dumb bells in your regime. You can do this!
What are your thoughts on this issue? Please comment below.
PS: Please contact your doctor for an assessment to confirm that you are fit to start any exercise program or other lifestyle change, before you get started.
About the Author:
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Success Principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Success Principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Best Kept Success 'Secret'
Listening to one of my favorite teachers, the late Jim Rohn, I got thinking. Mr Rohn had just 'revealed' a stunning 'discovery': the most successful people on the planet have 24 hours in a day! do the the rest of the people on Earth.
How come some people, given the same amount of time each day, earn £10,000 per month, while some earn £10,000 per year? What's the difference?
Since we've all got the same number of minutes each day, the difference in outcome must be in how we each use the time we've got.
Some people call it 'time management'. Not quite sure how we get off thinking we can control time, let alone manage it. Steven Covey in his classic 'The 7 habits of highly effective people' came up with a term which imho most accurately describes this concept of how we use our time: it's Personal Management. The only person you can (and should) control, is you. So you should control the way you spend your time.
What you spend your time doing sows the seeds for the results you experience in your life. You are 100% responsible for the way you spend your time, so it makes sense to spend it doing things that pull you towards your goal. Things that provide increased value to yourself and the marketplace. Things that improve your skill set.
Be like wise old Moses who asked God to 'teach us to number our days so that we may spend our time wisely'.
What are your thoughts, experiences, challenges, etc, in the area of effective use of time? Share below.
How come some people, given the same amount of time each day, earn £10,000 per month, while some earn £10,000 per year? What's the difference?
Since we've all got the same number of minutes each day, the difference in outcome must be in how we each use the time we've got.
Some people call it 'time management'. Not quite sure how we get off thinking we can control time, let alone manage it. Steven Covey in his classic 'The 7 habits of highly effective people' came up with a term which imho most accurately describes this concept of how we use our time: it's Personal Management. The only person you can (and should) control, is you. So you should control the way you spend your time.
What you spend your time doing sows the seeds for the results you experience in your life. You are 100% responsible for the way you spend your time, so it makes sense to spend it doing things that pull you towards your goal. Things that provide increased value to yourself and the marketplace. Things that improve your skill set.
Tips To Help You Use Your Time Wisely
- List out your tasks - create a daily to-do list
- Prioritise the tasks on your list based on your goals and values. Categorise things according to their importance, urgency or both, using this grid on the right (Thanks Dr Covey!)
- Ensure that the majority of your activities fit into quadrant II (important but not urgent).
- Create time for the things on your list, in order of priority. Be realistic with your expectations here so that you don't set up yourself for disappointment.
- Learn to say 'No' and mean it.
- Learn to delegate certain things so you can focus on more important ones.
- Be in the 'now' - when you're at work, work. Give it your full attention: don't be surfing the net or facebooking when you are supposed to be working or studying. Refuse all distractions while working. When it's time to play, go all out by all means, but whatever you're doing, be fully present.
- Shop online to save a trip to the grocery store.
- Check your email maximum twice a day, then leave the net. Resist the urge to browse, surf, click links etc - save that for your dedicated 'surfing time'. Even your surfing should be purposeful, not aimless. Make every minute of every day count for something.
Be like wise old Moses who asked God to 'teach us to number our days so that we may spend our time wisely'.
What are your thoughts, experiences, challenges, etc, in the area of effective use of time? Share below.
About the Author:
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Success Principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Success Principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at
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