Sunday, January 08, 2012

Make this your best year yet! Pt 1

You’ve probably heard the saying that ‘if you keep doing the
same things you’ll keep getting the same results.’ So if you
desire different results this year, you’ve got to do things
differently. If not, you’d qualify to be called ‘insane’
according to Albert Einstein, who defined insanity as
‘doing the same things but expecting different outcomes’.

So take each day at a time with thanksgiving and praise
to the One who’s given it to you and then do what the rest
of this article says…

Here are 10 foundational principles you must be determiined to apply if you desire to see your resolutions or goals manifest this year, if you desire to
make this your best year YET!

1. Know who you are.
Quit focusing on outward things, which are really reflections of
what goes on inside your mind. You are not your body. You are not your possessions.

You are a spirit being made in God’s image.

Your body houses the real you. Your natural state is perfect health and abundance. If your current (outward) reality does not reflect this, it is because you have let your circumstances control your life.

Knowing and acknowledging who you really are, and the implications
of this Truth, and meditating on what it means, gives you a tremendously
powerful positive self-image (which determines your performance level) and
puts you in a position to cause your physical reality to reflect your true inner
reality: perfect health, joy and abundance.

2. Define clearly what you desire.
Do not limit yourself here. I have not asked you to decide what you think you can have or what you think you deserve or what your mama thinks you should have. I am suggesting here, that you should state what *you* would like to be, do and have, which you don’t have right now.

There is unlimited supply from God so do not hesitate to ask big. (You have not because you have not...)

Use your imagination – that’s what it’s there for. You
have an open cheque, so to speak. Fill it in with what you choose.

This is why you are told to ‘Ask for whatsoever you desire…’.
Let that desire be clear in your mind.

3. Believe that what you desire is *already here*.
Everything in this world is energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another – if you took Physics classes you’ll be familiar with this statement.

Well here’s a real-life application of this law.

Everything you desire, everything you could ever possibly wish
for, already exists! It simply exists in intangible form, waiting for to do what you need to do in order to change it to its material version. You know how water can change from steam to
liquid to solid (ice)? Different forms, same substance.

Same thing applies to your desires. Believe this, and you’re fortifying your ‘power positioning’.

This is why you are told to ‘…believe that you receive what you ask for, and you shall have it…’

You will learn more about this and the other tips in this article in the FREE newsletters Weekly Success Tips For Women and The Health & Success Newsletter...

4. Practice daily gratitude for what you desire.
Being thankful for something before you receive it strengthens your faith, and keeps your mind focused on the object of your gratitude.

Benefit: what you focus on is what you get more of (or 'what you focus on expands'). 

An attitude of gratitude also puts into motion the Law of action and reaction – when you give thanks to God for already granting you what you’ve asked for, you trigger a response from Him towards you – ‘whatsoever you desire’.

5. Practice genuine forgiveness.
Here’s what we’re trying to do: cause the thing you desire to be attracted to you.

Unforgiveness, grudges, malice, hatred, doubts and
fear are examples of things that cause resistance and block the flow of that which you desire.

So if you’ve got a grudge against someone, or a feeling of resentment, even if they’ve wronged you, forgive them.

Think about how much God has forgiven you - who are you not to forgive another?

I'm not saying it's easy to do this, but it's a conscious decision you have to make, to forgive someone, even if that someone is YOU.

Do this for *you*. I love this saying “harbouring resentment or unforgiveness against someone is like you drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” So true. The only person to lose in this scenario is you. So just let go. Let them be. Let the blessings
have a free, unobstructed channel to flow to you.

Next post concludes this list of principles. Let me know your thoughts on them.

Please put them into ACTION. I so want you to excel this year - I am fully persuaded that you've come into this planet packed with purpose, potential and ABILITY to succeed.

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