Friday, August 02, 2013



1) Tolerate NO Excuses. 
Change is not always easy so our default setting is to start making excuses as to why we can't do something different.

Yet change is necessary unless you wish to remain where you are in life.

SO refuse to allow yourself get away with any excuses. You CANNOT make excuses and stay healthy at the same time.

You CANNOT make excuses AND get results at the same time - it's gotta be one or the other. Which will it be for you?

2) Daily Goal Setting. 
Yes the year is almost over but it's not yet over!

You've still got time to finish stronger and more successful than when the year began.

One way to steer and propel you in that direction is to get into the habit of daily goal setting:
  • Write out your top 10 goals that you wish to achieve
  • Write each one in the present tense, in the first person "I am..." or "I have"
  • Write each one with a time deadline eg " By December 31 2013, I am..."
  • So one could read, for eg, "By December 31 2013, I have run 5k in less than 30 minutes"
  • Write out 10 goals in various areas of your life - rewrite them DAILY, first thing in the morning.
This gets your brain and mind focused and engaged in the direction you wish to go in life, on a daily basis. It also makes it easy for you to say 'no' to distractions and time wasters, so that you crack on with your plan. It puts you in the driver's seat of your life's direction.

Try this  DAILY for the next 21 days and you will be amazed  - so much so you'll do it daily for the rest of your life (which is the whole idea :) )

This is where the miracles take place - when the rubber meets the road.

See, you can have all the motivation you want, you can have all the positive thinking you want, all the enthusiasm you want - but unless it's all translated into ACTION, all is vanity.

That's why the first thing I put on this post is about tolerating no excuses.

Discipline is making yourself do what you gotta do when you gotta do it - whether or not you feel like doing it.

This is what sets the successful people apart from the unsuccessful ones.
They all don't feel like doing the same things, but the successful ones do them anyway. That's DISCIPLINE.

Discipline, Hard work, Persistence. These terms may not be popular in today's easypeasy, quick-fix culture, but they are the keys to lasting fulfilling, success in any area of life you could think of.

Choice is yours: bum around the rest of the year or get up, don't beat yourself about the mistakes you've made so far: get up, learn from the past, and push the heck on to the finish line, expecting VICTORY!

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