But do you realise that nature teaches us that there is a time for everything?
There's a time to think positive, and there is also a time to think negative - and a valid purpose for doing so too!
The Scriptures, which are the 'User's Manual' that came with each of us and gives us our 'operating system', teach that you shouldn't be only positive all the time - it'll kill ya to do so! (Ecclesiastes 7:16 - see below).
It's neither realistic nor healthy to be positive all the time. Plus it makes you some kind of freak. It's just not natural or realistic or wise.
Nature teaches us the true balance as it should be. Read on to find out more.
True wisdom, success, health and balance in life demand that you have some negativity in you at all times, for your survival.
Let me share a couple of examples from every day life that illustrate this. Jim Rohn got me thinking about this, by the way.
a) The Example Of The Weeds
If you have a garden, whether vegetable or flower garden, the crops you've planted are nice and lovely and positive, and that's all good and nice.
Weeds are a real threat to the health of your plants.
If you are positive alone, you deny the existence of the weeds - you keep 'affirming' that there are no weeds...so you do nothing about them, and they take over your garden, leaving you with no crops. Disaster!
So, you've got to be 'negative' enough to acknowledge that there are weeds in your garden, so you can deal with them and get rid of them.
Not negative in the sense that you see the weeds and start crying and worrying and fretting and feeling sorry for yourself or guilty and all that jazz.
No, you are 'negative' enough to acknowledge the presence of weeds and come up with an ACTION PLAN to get rid of them!
Here you see that being 'negative' has led you to protect and save your crops.
b) The Example Of The Blood Cells.
In your own body, you have various types of blood cells. For the sake of this post I'll focus on the red and white ones.
Red blood cells are nice and positive-minded, providing nourishment and oxygenation round the body.
White blood cells are negative minded - always on the lookout for invaders so that they can go get em!
If all we had were red blood cells (happy happy joy joy), or if you had fewer white cells than normal, you'd have nobody to fight against the invaders so you'd die an early death as your body would be overwhelmed by infections which you can't fight or defend yourself against.
Thankfully we also have white blood cells to maintain the balance, and fight any invaders.
Here again you see that having 'negative minded' white blood cells is protective (notice the pattern here?)
It is only when the negative is lacking, or when it is predominant that trouble ensues. Using the red and white blood cells as an example, it is interesting to note that in a state of health, there are normally about 700 red blood cells to 1 white blood cell.
So while it's good to have white blood cells doing their 'negative' work to keep things in check, health - (and success )- dictate that there should be way more ('positive') red cells in circulation at all times, than ('negative') white cells.
The Purpose of Negative Thinking
The point of this post is to remind us that it's ok to think negative - when the purpose of such 'negative thinking' is protective, as illustrated by nature in the examples above.
When the purpose of negative thinking is destructive eg guilt, hatred, malice, unforgiveness and such unproductive mindsets, that's wrong and will lead to disaster.
Use negative thinking for what it's there for. Your protection.
Don't use it for anything else.
As It Is Written In The "User's Manual":
"16Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise – why destroy yourself?
17Do not be wrong overmuch and do not be a fool – why die before your time?
18It is good that you should take hold of this and also not withhold your hand from the other.
For he who fears Alahym (God - YAHUAH) comes forth with all of them."
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