The best way to predict the future is to create it. So here's how to create a great future, one day at a time!
Tips to make today a great day.
- Write out your goals at the start of today. This way you're focused for the rest of the day and less prone to give in to distractions.
- Choose to be happy today (this is the day that Yah has made, I will [choose to] rejoice and be glad in it] said the psalmist. In fact just saying the above verse daily got me through many an otherwise dreadful day back when I worked in the Accident and Emergency department years ago, lol.
- Today, Forgive anyone and everyone who's wronged you. Just release them totally and take no thought as to their payback. Leave that to the just Judge who says 'Vengeance is Mine'. Plus, when you forgive, you begin to heal from emotional scars caused by the thing they've done. So forgive, you're doing this for YOU. Selfish? Not really. It's called 'loving yourself' , for how can you love your neighbour if you don't first love YOU? Forgive yourself also, for the times you've messed up. Learn from past errors then push on.
- Do all you can today, to reach your goals. No excuses. No mediocrity. Give today your all. Life gives you back in the proportion and spirit you give to it.
- Do the best you can with each task you set out to do today. Better to do a few tasks very well than to do many half baked tasks. Be the last one to leave the office. Be the first one in. Refuse to engage in gossip while at work. Have fun with your kids or significant other (if you work hard, you gotta play hard too, yes?)
- Today, make a list of things you are thankful for. And give God (Yah) thanks for each one. Top of the list - you made it to today!
- Today, make a list of your 'wins' or successes (nothing is too little to go on this list) and give yourself a pat on the back. Come back to this list anytime you feel discouraged or feel you're no good or any such negative thought about yourself. Use this list to enforce your self image of a victorious you.
- Today, make a conscious effort to nourish your body and mind with healthy foods and drinks and snacks. And books and audios and videos and conversations. Just do it for today (as long as the day is 'today'). Don't worry about tomorrow or yesterday.
- Today, SMILE at everyone you come across and inwardly (or outwardly depending...) send out a blessing or greeting or even an 'I love you' their way. Don't be bothered about whether or not they smile back at you. It's YOUR happy hormones that get activated when you smile (so yes it's a rather selfish motive but hey, nobody gets hurt, right? Everybody benefits.)
- Today, get off your backside and do some exercise. No excuses. Even if it's for 10 minutes. Just do it!
- Today, choose to live FREE from fear of criticism, fear of failure, fear of mistakes, fear of rejection- you name it. Choose to live FREE from fear, period! Only then will you start living, see!
- Today: take time out for YOU. Meditate and de-stress. 10-15 minutes of quality you time can do wonders.
- Today: write out your list of tasks for tomorrow before bed...
- Today: go to bed around 10pm if you can... sleep tight..good night... I'm outta here...!
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