Monday, December 10, 2007


Thanks for stopping by. This blog is where I share my thoughts, insights and research findings on issues relating to health, particularly the following areas:

a) The effects of your thoughts on your health
b) Nutritional medicine: the effects of nutrition on your health.
c) Exercise: the effects of physical activity (or the lack thereof) on your health

The human body has been designed to function in association with your mind. Thus your thoughts and beliefs play a role in your health.

Your body functions with fuel which comes from the food you eat. Thus what you eat plays a major role in your health.

Your body functions optimally when it is used the way you're supposed to use it. Regular moderate exercise, when combined with the right fuel and the right thinking patterns, makes up the 'formula' for true health.

These are the things I'll be discussing on this blog. Check back often. Leave your comments. Share your thoughts. Ask your questions. It's all happening here, folks, so come and play!

God bless ya!


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Finishing Stronger (for women only...)

As the year draws to a close, I find myself feeling excited and grateful for what lies ahead and what has gone past.

In particular, I am grateful for the increase in clarity I daily receive where my Personal Development website for women is concerned. In order to reflect the vision behind the site, I am renaming it and launching the new name with a brand new package which includes the current site PLUS some more serious value packages which will be announced in due course.

Here's a minute-long clip for you to whet your appetite with. When you've seen it, go ahead and visit the site and sign up for your FREE weekly tips, where you'll also be updated with plans of the re-launch.

Turn up your speakers for this.

Blessings to ya!
