Saturday, November 26, 2011

Laughter instead of mourning! Your focus and results are your choice!!

My dad passed away a few days ago.

He'd been unwell, and I'd been taking care of him until the day before when he got suddenly even more unwell and I had to take him to hospital via ambulance. He passed onto a better life on the 22nd of November 2011.

I wept on the 22nd but have felt increasingly happy since then.

Reason: I realize more and more each day, that passing on was the best thing for daddy at this time - he'd been suffering from his illness which also caused him a lot of pain on most days you see, so it was a mercy that God cut short his suffering and took him from his earthly body. The real daddy lives on - he was always a spirit anyway - the body was only a temporary vehicle for that spirit.

Knowing this, knowing that daddy is now truly free from pain, sickness, stress and all the rubbish that earthly life can throw at you sometimes, makes me truly happy that he's gone home to Jesus.

What's this got to do with your success?


Your focus determines your emotions and your actions.

I have chosen to focus on the good life that daddy led, the fact that my brothers and I were able to spend time with him and keep him as comfortable as humanly possible while he was with us, and the even better life he is leading right now and for eternity, and that pleases me - dude's having a blast presently! This focus has empowered me to move on with life, to be full of joy, praise and thanksgiving to God,  and also to console and comfort others touched by dad's passing.

I also know to choose my words carefully cos they also affect my focus. I refuse to say I've lost my dad - how can you lose someone when you know exactly where they are? Besides, 'loss' conjures sad images and emotions - not my cup of tea. No, I've not lost my dad. I know exactly where he is!

So I refer to his passing as just that. I don't even say he's dead anymore, cos I now realize that no, he's not! His body (earthly vehicle/container) may be, but he was never really his body anyway.

Dear reader, there are some profound revelations in the above paragraphs, if you are willing to see:

- You are not your body: your body is simply a vehicle that transports the real you, around on earth.
- You are a spirit. God made you in His image, and He's a spirit.
- This means that you, the real you, are perfect - no sickness, no weakness, no disease, no sadness or lack, no stress or grief etc; the real you is perfectly whole - abundantly wealthy, abundantly joyful, abundantly complete in every way!

The implication of this truth for you is tremendous:
- Your self esteem, your self image, gets a super turbo boost when this truth dawns on you. This is who you are, dear reader. A spirit made in God's image. This is why your thoughts are powerful, and become things. It's why your words are powerful, and come to pass. You're all of that, baby!

- Your self image determines the level of your performance in life. You can never perform above or beyond the image you have of yourself. Knowing that you've been made in God's image empowers you to know beyond a shadow of doubt that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, that you are above only, not beneath, the head and not the tail, etc, etc. You rock! You excel!

- Knowing who you really are, and focusing on this regardless of what the outside world looks like, empowers you to bring into physical reality, that which you are focusing on.

I'll let you chew on that for  a while.

For now I'd like you to please think on these things, be thankful for who you are, and start acting like who you really are.

Your life, your success, depends entirely on it.

God bless ya!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How To Modify Your Genes!

Common medical 'knowledge' says you inherit certain conditions from your ancestors, that you have certain 'genetic predispositions'.
The problem with conventional 'knowledge' is that the masses accept it without challenging or questioning it.
This is dangerous.
No matter what anyone says, you are ultimately responsible for the physical manifestations you experience. We each are.
Your thoughts directly *and* indirectly affect your health.
We've known for a long time that thoughts somehow indirectly affect our state of health - stories abound as to how people 'healed themselves' of life-threatening conditions by applying certain thought-processes (faith-based prayer included).
Way back in medical school I learnt about how the 'higher centers' of the central nervous system were controlled by 'external factors' such as stress.
We now know and can now prove scientifically, how thoughts directly affect our bodies at the cellular level. This is thanks to ground-breaking research in molecular biology and neuroimaging. Epigenetics is showing some pretty fascinating results.
The effects of your thoughts can now be seen by state-of-the art imaging techniques.
What's more, the Human Genome Project yielded some even more fascinating findings: they discovered that your genes do not just express themselves according to some ancestral 'programming'. Rather, what determines the way your genes are expressed, is your thoughts.
Specifically, your perception of things.
For instance, if your dad suffers from cardiovascular disease and his father died from the same condition, conventional thinking says 'it runs in your family'.
Current science now proves that 'it runs in your family' because your (affected) family family members have accepted it as their fate.
There goes that same theme again: you get what you believe. Your belief becomes your reality. You are what you think.
If your perception of a diagnosis of breast cancer is one of acceptance and resignation, you've effectively written your death sentence. If your perception of such a diagnosis is that 'I've already beat this thing' or 'My God is bigger than cancer so it's not a problem! I'm a victor in this situation, and those cancer cells need to 'be afraid, be very afraid!' '- then you've beat it and this will manifest in your body also. I can personally testify to the validity of this.
I bet you've heard of at least one person who 'had a fighting spirit' and so 'overcame' or 'conquered' the same malignancy.
The message in all of this is that you can literally modify the way your genes express themselves. You can choose your thoughts to reflect the physical reality you desire.
As a doctor, I can examine you and give you a diagnosis that I've been trained to give you. However, you have the option to accept my words as the final word on your condition, OR you can choose a better 'diagnosis' and prognosis for yourself.
Even if something 'runs in your family', you can decide *now* to end that trend by being the first person fr*e*e from that condition.
Now I'm the first one to tell you that this is much easier said than done, but it sure beats the alternative. Plus, if you persist in re-programming your mind and re-conditioning your thoughts, you will definitely see the results you desire.
This takes commitment and persistence, and a stubborn determination that no matter how things look on the outside, you will stick to your inner vision of perfect, true health until it manifests on the outside.
Can you do it? You bet!
Is it going to take work on your part? Absolutely, but isn't it worth the effort? Aren't you worth it? You deserve to be perfectly healthy, to function the way you were created to function. So take the first step today and decide to modify your genetic (and other) expressions.
This is the essence of The First Pillar of A Healthy Life, folks. It sets you up, puts you in a frame of mind to ACT on the remaining pillars of a truly  healthy life.

Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about health & fitness, personal development, success principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at

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Yes, YOU Can!

If you could change one thing in your life today, what would it be? Why don't you have some of the things you'd like to have, and why do you have some? What's the reason for the inconsistency?
Do you find yourself wondering what people think of you? Has that line of thinking ever made you doubt your abilities and your potential?
Do you ever catch yourself thinking 'I can't do that, I'm not good enough' or 'that level of success and prosperity is for them, not for poor old me', or other similar thoughts?
One thing you must realize is that your success in any venture starts with your thoughts about it. If you think you can succeed (in losing weight, stopping smoking, securing a high-income- paying job, finding your ideal partner, etc, etc), you're already on your way to getting what you want.
If you think you can't succeed, if you doubt that you can, you've just set yourself up for failure and self sabotage.
Like Henry Ford said, ''if you think you can or if you think you can't, you're probably right'. It's up to you to make things happen in your life.
The way your mind works, it accepts whatever you feed it as reality. Your subconscious doesn't argue with you if you feed it with negative thoughts or positive thoughts - it just accepts it and goes about helping you making it manifest. So if you feed it with thoughts of success (eg 'I CAN lose weight healthily', 'I CAN stop smoking', 'I CAN find a high- income paying job, etc, etc), it will work to make it happen.'
You'll become alert to opportunities (and they are all around you if you'd only open your eyes and look) to move you towards your desired results.
Conversely, if you feed your mind with negative thoughts such as the ones above, your mind doesn't bother to find solutions to your problems. It closes up. You wouldn't recognize an opportunity to help you out if it slapped you in the face.
You know, it takes the same amount of effort to think positive thoughts as it takes to think negative thoughts. If positive thoughts help move you towards your goals while negative ones move you further away from them, it makes sense to dwell on the positive.

Positive thinking is but a step in the journey called 'success'. You need to back your thoughts with ACTION. You can think positive thoughts until your brain gets the cramps but if all you do is think and not act, you'd be wasting your time.
The good thing about positive thinking is that it puts you in the right frame of mind to take appropriate action.
~*~END of SIDEBAR~*~

Mark Twain (and later Napoleon Hill) said that 'What the human mind can conceive and believe, the human mind can achieve'.
The problem comes up after conceiving a potentially great idea. The little voice inside you starts saying things like 'that's a crazy idea' or 'nobody's ever done that before -who do you think you are?'. Your friends and family make fun of your idea. You begin to get discouraged and to think 'maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all'.
What should you do when this happens? Take control of your thoughts, that's what. Your mind has conceived it, remember, so your mind CAN achieve it. You just need to line up your thoughts and actions with what you want to do.
Tell all those naysayers (internal and external) that you will succeed in reaching your goal.
The next line of thinking after 'I CAN' is 'I WILL'.
Feed yourself with thoughts like that about yourself (and act accordingly) and you'll see your confidence, awareness and productivity soar. You'll find yourself attracting those things you want into your life.
Who says you can't make it? Tell them you CAN and you WILL. Then go out there and make it happen.

Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. A qualified professional Performance Coach, she specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Success Principles and Women's issues.
Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at

How To Shrink Your Fibroids Naturally

I get asked a lot to advice women on how to shrink their fibroids without surgery.

So here're my top tips. But first, a bit of background on the issue.

A fibroid is a benign tumour of the smooth muscle cells of your uterus (womb).

A woman can have just one or multiple fibroids, in various parts of the womb as you can see from the diagram below.

However the point of this article is not to tell you all about what a fibroid is - the focus is to tell you how to get rid of it without getting rid of your womb!

Symptoms of fibroid include these main ones: (if you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor to make sure there's no other cause for them)
- Heavy periods
- Painful periods
- Pelvic pain
- If large and pressing on your urinary bladder you may experience the feeling of going to pee often, and not emptying your bladder completely


The basis for this is controlling oestrogen levels in your body because one major factor in fibroids is excess oestrogens and oestrogen-like effects. This is why fibroids naturally shrink when a woman reaches the menopause - your level of estrogens decreases after the menopause.

Note that the reasons for fibroids in your case may be different for the reasons in another woman, as you will see below from the lists of causes of increased oestrogens. So you'd need to have a discussion with a Healthy Lifestyle Medicine practitioner to ascertain what is the cause in your case, if it's not clear to you after reading this post:

Causes of increased oestrogens

- Stress

- Overweight/obesity

- Contraceptive pills (the combined pill)

- Pregnancy

Causes of increased oestrogen effect

- Substances that mimic oestrogens in your body, such as pesticides used in non-organic foods, soy hormones used in non organic beef, poultry, etc.

How to Shrink your fibroids, naturally

(First make sure your doctor has assessed you to confirm there is no other gynaecological condition you're suffering from, apart from the fibroids).

The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life will guarantee you to be free from symptoms of fibroid, because it takes care of these components:

a) Healthy Liver
This includes avoiding things which not only contain oestrogens, but also things which mimic oestrogens, such as certain toxins (such as the pesticides used in non-organic foods) and pollutants (which is why a healthy liver is essential to your total health: it helps your body get rid of these toxins, thus contributes to shrinking your fibroids if this is the cause in your case.)

Practising the 8 Pillars keeps your liver detoxified. In addition, if you suffer from fibroids, I would recommend that you take a high quality supplement that contains nutrients that support your liver function.

b) Healthy Weight
Excess oestrogens are stored in fat cells. Fibroids have been shown to occur more often in overweight women. If this is the cause for your fibroids, then when you lose weight, your fibroids will shrink.

An overweight body is an unhealthy body. The whole point of The 8 Pillars of a Healthy Life is to empower you to transform your body into a healthy body: weight loss is a pleasant 'side effect' of this process.

An 'aside' I have to throw in here: excess sugar gets stored as fat, thanks to the hormone when you minimize your sugar intake, you help your body release excess fat. All helps win the battle against the 'broids.
For more on this, sign up for the FREE women's newsletter 'Success Tips for Women' over at .

c) Anti inflammatory state
If your fibroids are due to your being in a hyperinflammatory state (which can be the case if you're, among other things, eating the wrong types of food)…eating naturally anti-inflammatory foods may help, eg purified fish oil capsules, cumin, rosemary, hops, oats help reduce this.

Certain lifestyle habits keep your body in a hyperinflammatory state. For instance eating a lot of processed foods, eg refined carbohydrates, processed meats, etc contribute to this. Lack of physical activity also contributes to this because then your body is unable to produce the substances that protect you from this effect. So get moving, ladies - exercise is good for more than just weight loss!

d) Healthy Nutrition
In addition to the basic healthy nutrition guidelines you follow in The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life, you need to :

Avoid food that has been injected with hormones eg meat, poultry.

Eat only (or mostly) organic foods as these are free from pesticides

Include non GM soy isoflavones (about 80mg/day) in your diet.

e) Stress Management
This is part of the 1st Pillar of A Healthy Life.

Stress leads to release of cortisol. Cortisol increases fatty tissues and fat cells. Fat cells store excess oestrogens. Stress management is a way to manage your weight also.

Stress is really your (chosen) response to an event. So empower yourself today: choose to respond to events in ways that promote health and healing for yourself, rather than ways that cause your stress hormone level to be sky high.

f) Sunshine!
The 6th Pillar of A Healthy Life.

Vitamin D has been shown to halt the growth of fibroid cells, which could explain why fibroids are commoner in black women - dark skinned people make less vitamin D and thus have insufficient levels in their bodies for it to do its protective work.

Vitamin D helps your immune system suppress tumour activity. Fibroids are tumours (benign ones)

So take a blood test with your doctor (ask for 'Serum (25,OH) Vitamin D levels) and if your levels are below normal, take a good vitamin D3 supplement at a dose of 2000IU per day.

g) Miscellaneous
Needless to say you must stop smoking and other such unhealthy habits, and keep your alcohol intake to the barest minimum, as these contribute to your worsening fibroids.

You CAN beat this, ladies!
You CAN shrink your fibroid!
You CAN avoid needless surgery!

Give your body a chance to do what it does best: heal and restore itself. However, it can't do this if it is receiving less than optimal treatment from you.

That's why I've written this overview on The 8 Pillars of a Healthy Life to stir you up to treating your body the right way - when you do, your body will reward you with health. No more fibroids!

Here's to your Total Health!

Dr Kem

The Difference Between Champions and Losers...

Champions are champions because they do what they have to do to win, whether they feel like doing it or not.
This is one thing that differentiates winners from losers in this game of life.
It's a universal principle that applies across the board in every worthwhile endeavor. What are you looking to achieve this year? Have you sat down and counted the cost, do you know what price you have to pay to achieve it? Are you committed to paying that price?
You see, paying the price is not always fun, but because champions realize it's the only way to reach their goal, they go ahead and pay it anyway.
Those who lose in life avoid paying the price because it's too much of an inconvenience. It's not fun. These same people make excuses to justify their unwillingness to pay the price for success. For such people, the process is too much to ask.
Champions on the other hand, focus on the destination and consider the process as a temporary journey that's necessary to get them there. 
You are a potential champion. You've got what it takes to do what Tiger Woods, Bill Gates and Oprah are doing, and even potentially more.
You've got to be willing to pay the price for your success though. Are you? Or do you just pay lip service to it? Ball's in your court. You can finish this year much stronger than when you started, if you get your act together, decide what you intend to achieve, count the cost of achieving it and then start now to pay the necessary price. 
Remember, you're bound to pay a price one way or another. It's either the price of disciplining yourself to succeed, or it's the price of regret for failing to succeed. Why not choose the path of champions today? You're already one on the inside anyway. Let the champion in you out! Champions pay the price. Remember that.
Dr Kem Thompson is a General Practitioner, Author and Speaker. She specializes in Healthy Lifestyle medicine and is passionate about health & fitness, personal development and Women's issues. Subscribe today to her no-nonsense FREE 'Health & Success Newsletter' to receive practical tips, techniques and strategies you can use NOW to improve your health and life. You will receive 2 thank-you gifts when you subscribe at