Monday, December 27, 2010

Exercise - VITAL for treating Type 2 Diabetes

It's not that we didn't know this before, but it's now been established such that the American Diabetes Association and the American College of Sports Medicine have issued brand new guidelines and recommendations for exercise.

Please note that what is to follow benefits not only people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, but also anyone who desires to be healthy, particularly if you are a victim of the Metabolic Syndrome.

These are the key points from the latest guidance, as published in the December 2010  issues of 'Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise', and 'Diabetes Care' journals:

  • Regular physical activity can prevent type 2 diabetes, improve glucose control, positively affect blood fat levels, blood pressure, improve cardiovascular disease and improve mortality.

  • These improvements are because of the short and long term benefits of exercise on insulin activity.

  • Most of these benefits are accomplished with a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises.

  • The expert panel recommend at least 150 minutes of AEROBIC exercise each week, spread out over a minimum of 3 days, with no more than 2 consecutive days between physical activity.

  • RESISTANCE TRAINING should  ALSO be done at least 2ce a week - ideally 3 x per week - every other day. See below for examples of resistance exercises that anyone can do..If you're just starting out, get a personal trainer to guide you to make sure you don't injure yourself, until you get the moves right.

  • Using a pedometer regularly is a good idea as it helps you quantify your progress when you set a measurable goal eg to walk 10000 steps per day. Also, a study found that people who used a pedometer increased their physical activity by 27% over their baseline.

  • You must exercise regularly to get the full benefits of it.

  • Exercise improves your insulin activity for 2-72 hours after the exercise. It's got to be moderate to vigorous exercise to be of benefit.

  • If you lead a sedentary life, you need a pre-exercise assessment if you plan to do exercise more than brisk walking. Visit your doctor and ask them to arrange this.

  • If you are at high risk of cardiovascular disease (get your doctor to confirm this), and you have no symptoms, you may benefit from having an Exercise Stress ECG done before you commence your improved exercise program.
  • Works best also if you're part of a support system of one or more people...

About Those Resistance Exercises...

Here's the link to a post I wrote, with pictures of 6 simple resistance training exercises you can do every other day...
Strength Training Blog Post

As For Aerobic Exercises...

Examples include:
  • Walking
  • Climbing up and down your stairs at home
  • Cross trainer
  • Treadmill
  • Swimming
  • Running
  • Sports eg tennis, basketball, football, martial arts...

There are others of course. The point is you've got to pick one you enjoy and can stick to. Then do it for up to 150 minutes per week (break it down to say 30 minutes per day) - and add resistance training every other day to the mix.

Getting Started...First, choose your preferred aerobic activity or activities
  • Break it down into baby steps.
  • If you've been sedentary, don't expect to be able to easily exercise for 30 minutes each day from day 1.
  • Start with 5 minutes of aerobic activity each day. This will get you into the habit of doing something each day. Setting aside a regular time to do it each day, works best for some people.
  • When you've done 5 minutes exercise each day for 1 week, upgrade to 10 minutes each day.
  • Do this for 2 weeks.
  • Upgrade to 15 minutes each day
  • Add in resistance training every other day: aim to go through the 6 exercises I mention in the article at least once every other day.
  • Stick with 15 minutes aerobics daily and resistance training every other day - for 3 weeks
  • After 3 weeks, upgrade your aerobics time to 20 minutes daily
  • Stick with this for 4 weeks
  • After 4 weeks, upgrade to 25 minutes of aerobic activity daily
  • Do this for 2 weeks
  • After 2 weeks, upgrade to 30 minutes of aerobic activity daily
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  You've just completed a 12-week jumpstart to a regular exercise program that has been proven to improve your blood sugar, blood pressure, reduce LDL cholesterol and improve quality of life overall!
  • By now regular exercise should be a habit for you. You can't remember or imagine what your life was like without it.
  • Now hook up that pedometer and let's see how many steps your 30 minutes get you. If you're not walking 10000 steps in your 30 minutes you'll need to gradually increase until you do.

Here's wishing you a fit, healthy and happy life!

Blessings to ya.

Friday, December 03, 2010

The Tongue: Your Untapped Resource for Success

Your level of success really depends for a start, on what you believe you are capable of achieving.

Your self image determines your level of performance in any given area of your life.

 It determines the type of person you are, the way you behave, the way you speak and think.

Today I'd like to share with you a powerful concept that can seriously boost your self-image, if you choose to believe it.

The inspiration for this concept is none other than the Holy Bible, in my opinion 'The' ultimate Success Manual, from which all other publications derive their messages (though they either deny this - for what ever reason - or they refuse to acknowledge it...some do, though, give credit to Whom it is due).

Right from the first chapter of the first book in the Bible, we are told that 'God made man in His own image, after His own likeness'.

This means that you, dear reader, whether or not you accept this, were made in the image of God almighty, creator of the universe and all that exists. If this is the case, it means that you too can operate the way He operates. The amazing thing is that this principle applies to believers and non-believers alike (just like all of God's laws and principles apply to everyone equally- take the law of Gravity for instance - God put it in place, and it applies to His children as much as it applies to those who aren't His children...).

For the purpose of today's blog message, I wish to draw your attention to one particular resource that you - God's image and likeness - have right now, but are most likely either under-using or not using at all.

It's your tongue. Powerful little organ inside your mouth. There's lots I could write about this organ but today's post is about the power of the spoken word, which your tongue helps you articulate.

The spoken word has phenomenal creative power: whether you believe this or not, your words are either creating or destroying in your life right now.

The wisest and richest man who ever lived, King Solomon, understood this principle well, which was why he wrote that 'death and life are in the power of the tongue...'

The same way the entire universe was created can be summed up in these words:
"And God said...and it was so".

Dear reader, this is what's happening in your life right now.
Because you've been made in God's image, you are saying...and it is being so.

If you wish to know what you're speaking into your life, just take a look at the results and circumstances in your life.

Do you wish to see joy, love, peace, abundance, health, etc, in your life?

Then change the words you are speaking on a daily basis.
Your (choice of) words is an outward reflection of your (choice of) thoughts. Similarly, your words can direct your thoughts. And we all know that your (choice of) thoughts determines your behaviour, which in turn determines the results you achieve in your life.

This is what the practice of affirmation is meant to do for you - train you to think differently so that you speak differently, which gets you in the mental and emotional state to act differently so that you can achieve different results.

If you have a mental image of the life you desire, make sure your words line up with that vision - whether or not things outwardly look that way. Creation always starts within first before it manifests on the outside. However creation won't happen if your thoughts (mental image), words and actions don't line up.

When God showed up on Earth in human form (Jesus Christ), here's one thing He said: "...if you believe that the things you say shall come to pass, you shall have whatsoever you say".

This from the One who made you. Don't ever think the human race was created without a 'User's manual', folks.  It says it right there in the book - you shall have whatsoever you say. If you don't have something, it could be that you don't believe you could have it, but it could also be because you've not said it should be so.

He actually then went on to say that "whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive it, and you shall have them." So if you don't have the things you desire, now you know why.

You've gotta change what you're saying, folks. Don't give in to the temptation to say negative things about your future, or even about your present situation. If you do, you will attract (create) more of the same.

What you say, forces you to focus on what you're saying. What you focus expands. What do you want to expand in your life?

Ill health? Lack? Debt? Disease? Misery? Are these the things you want more of? I didn't think so either. Then speak health, abundance, freedom, joy.

Don't ignore the bad stuff if it exists in your life - but don't talk about it all the time: speak of it only in the context of doing something about it, then get on with the good stuff. Remember, if you ignore the weeds in the garden, they'll take over the land. So don't ignore them - get rid of them and move on with the process of planting, nurturing and harvesting your crop.

Think about that! And make it a fantastic day, dear reader!

This message is about life success principle - which applies to every human being on earth equally, it has nothing to do with your soul or your eternal salvation. For that you can visit my Christian blog - Success-thru-Christ
For what does it profit a man or woman or child even, to gain the whole world and lose their soul? 
So get your priorities right, cos success here on earth is good but worth nothing if you lose it all once you leave here...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life...An Overview...

The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life

1. Positive Mental Attitude
- This includes
  • personal development, 
  • stress management: what is YOUR biggest source of stress? Comment below please.
  • self esteem and confidence building, 
  • self-motivation,
  • self-discipline and in general, the mindset that promotes health and success in life.

    I have a whole portion of this site (Personal Development – and the corresponding blog) devoted to this pillar, it’s that important. You’re not truly healthy if this area is messed up.
- Optimists are generally more healthy than pessimists, likely because they interpret events in ways that are conducive to health in the body.

- Your body responds even at a cellular level, to your thoughts and mindset. Mind-body connection is for real.

- Cultivate a positive mental attitude, learn how to manage your stress and build a healthy self esteem, self-image, self-concept, discipline yourself to take appropriate actions and do what you know to do when you know to do it – and your health will improve. The newsletter and blog over at teach you how to do all this.

- The Healthy Lifestyle Project
( includes practical ways to help you out in this area too, so go check it out now!

2. Adequate Hydration

- You must drink enough water for your body size, each day, in order to function optimally.

- Dehydration causes many symptoms such as headaches, body and joint pain, heart burn, etc. Don’t treat these symptoms with drugs – treat them with water! If you’re well hydrated (see below) and you’ve still got the symptoms then go see a Doctor.

- Drink (33ml x your body weight in kg) of water each day. More if you exercise or drink anything that dehydrates you eg caffeine-containing drinks, alcohol, etc.

3. Adequate Nutrition

- You must eat the right types of healthy carbohydrates, healthy fats, healthy proteins, in a proportion that depends on your ‘metabolic type‘. No one ‘diet’ fits all.

- Adequate nutrition shall be your medicine, as Hippocrates wisely said all those years ago. Nutritional medicine is Preventive Medicine.

- You must also take high quality, comprehensive, complete and balanced nutritional supplements daily, to provide optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants for your cells.

- According to 2 reviews published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in June 2002, “…it appears prudent for all adults to take nutritional supplements.”

- So start eating a healthy balanced diet according to your Metabolic Type, PLUS take high quality nutritional supplements such as the Essentials made by USANA Health Sciences (Visit the page on ‘Essentials!’ to learn more)

- What constitutes a healthy balanced diet? What are healthy carbs, proteins and fats? Sign up for the FREE Health & Success newsletter at to find out!

- As a participant in The Healthy Lifestyle Project, we work with you to help you optimise your nutrition - you'll get to go through your larder and replace unhealthy, disease-promoting foods with healthy, life promoting ones. What fun! Apply to take part here: - you get FREE consultations (worth £75 - £195) for the entire 3 months, as well as unlimited, FREE email support, and FREE weekly webinar attendance.

4. Adequate Physical Activity and Posture

- You must exercise regularly, and your exercise program must include aerobics, strength training and flexibility exercise.

- At least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 3 times a day, strength training with weights for at least 20 minutes every other day (check out my health blog for pictures of 6 simple strength training exercises you can do at home), stretching for flexibility daily.

- Start today, don’t delay! Discipline will bridge the gap between your dreams and their realisation so get that butt moving!

- You must maintain correct posture at all times as well. Images of examples of good posture are found on my health blog over at

- The Healthy Lifestyle Project
includes 2 powerful exercise resources that empower you to cultivate regular exercise habits at home or at the gym, up to you. You've got no excuse now! Apply to take part here:

5. Adequate Oxygenation

- You must breathe well enough to ensure your cells have enough oxygen for you to function optimally. Many other benefits of being well oxygenated (see FREE newsletter when you sign up!)

- This includes deep breathing exercises and laughter.

- Now you know why laughter is like medicine! So find reasons to laugh each day.

- Do daily deep breathing exercises. An example is described in an earlier post on this blog.

6. Adequate Sunlight

- Vitamin D is now known to do more than just give you strong bones and teeth: it affects the functioning of most every cell in your body, and boosts your immunity, therefore a host of illnesses occur when your levels are lower than normal. Certainly if you feel ‘tired all the time’, get your doctor to add this to the other blood tests they’re doing to see if low levels are contributing to your symptoms.

- Pregnant women also MUST have their Vitamin D levels checked as low levels have not only been associated with hypertension in pregnancy, but are also known to lead to deficiency in the baby, with sometimes serious health consequences for the baby.

- You must ensure you have optimal levels of Vitamin D (ask your doctor to test for ’serum (25, OH) Vitamin D’ levels. If insufficient, order USANA’s Essentials today – the HealthPak alone contains enough vitamin D per serving (2000IU Vit D3) to keep you from having insufficient levels of this important vitamin, and to treat you if you ARE already insufficient or if deficient, order USANA’s Essentials PLUS USANA’s Vitamin D3 supplements, then go have your blood levels tested again after a month on the supps. to make sure they’re improving.)

- It's 'flu season'. One reason why flu and colds are more common in the winter seasons is that there isn't much Vitamin D being made at this time, so you've gotta make sure your levels are optimal, to boost your immunity.

- Again, as a participant of The Healthy Lifestyle Project, this will get checked and optimised for you. Sign up NOW for these FREE sessions

7. Adequate Rest

- You must get enough sleep each night. A lot of your body’s restorative and growth processes take place while you sleep. Certain hormones are released at night while you sleep, to aid in the said processes.

- Just as a point of interest, inadequate sleep has been linked with weight gain…

-’Experts’ seem to agree that 6-7 hours of sleep minimum per night, are enough for most adults.

8. Support: Receive support, Give support

- Studies show that being part of a support system helps you maintain a good habit. Studies also show that people in a stable relationship are generally healthier than those who are not.

-’Support’ could be in form of a spouse/partner, friends, coaching group, Personal coach, church fellowship, etc.

- You must be plugged into a proactively support system if you are to establish, build and maintain 8 strong Pillars for your Healthy Life. Isolation is bad for your health! You’ve got to have at least someone you can confide in and offload/share your burdens with. ‘No man is an island’ may be cliche, but it’s true. We were not created to be loners. And disease (either mental or physical) ALWAYS results when we go against the way God designed us to function, as a general principle…

- You should also seek out ways to be a source of support to others. Give of your time, talents, money, to those in need. This is a powerful therapeutic habit. Volunteering. Certainly does wonders for you if you suffer from depression: it’s hard to feel depressed if you’re focused on others and what you can do for them…(this mindset ties in with the first pillar, however the taking action bit of it is under Pillar 8.). Seek ways to bless others and you too will be blessed: it’s an undeniable and irrefutable spiritual law.

If you find yourself feeling unwell, go through the above 8 pillars and honestly ask yourself where you’ve gone wrong. Contact me if you need help in working through this. Better yet, sign up now for The Healthy Lifestyle Project and you'll be coached to optimal health, for life!

Sign up over at

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I get asked a lot to advice women on how to shrink their fibroids without surgery. So here're my top tips. But first, a bit of background on the issue.

A fibroid is a benign (non-deadly) tumour of the smooth muscle cells of your uterus (womb). A woman can have just one or multiple fibroids as you can see in the image below:
Fibroids in multiple locations in the womb...

However the point of this article is not to tell you all about what a fibroid is - the focus is to tell you how to get rid of it without getting rid of your womb!

Symptoms of fibroid include these main ones: (if you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor to make sure there's no other cause for them)
- Heavy periods
- Painful periods
- Pelvic pain
- If large and pressing on your urinary bladder you may experience the feeling of going to pee often, and not emptying your bladder completely

The basis for this is controlling oestrogen levels in your body because one major factor in fibroids is excess oestrogens and oestrogen-like effects. This is why fibroids naturally shrink when a woman reaches the menopause.

Note that the reasons for fibroids in your case may be different for the reasons in another woman, as you will see below from the lists of causes of increased oestrogens. So you'd need to have a discussion with a Healthy Lifestyle Medicine practitioner to ascertain what is the cause in your case, if it's not clear to you after reading this post:

Causes of increased oestrogens
- Stress
- Overweight/obesity
- Contraceptive pills
- Pregnancy

Causes of increased oestrogen effect
- Substances that mimic oestrogens in your body, such as pesticides used in non-organic foods,
- hormones used in non organic beef, poultry, etc.

(First make sure your doctor has assessed you to confirm there is no other gynaecological condition you're suffering from, apart from the fibroids).

The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life ( will guarantee you to be free from symptoms of fibroid, because it takes care of these components:

a) Healthy Liver
This includes avoiding things which not only contain oestrogens, but also things which mimic oestrogens, such as certain toxins (such as the pesticides used in non-organic foods) and pollutants (which is why a healthy liver is essential to your total health: it helps your body get rid of these toxins, thus contributes to shrinking your fibroids if this is the cause in your case.)

Practising the 8 Pillars keeps your liver detoxified. In addition, if you suffer from fibroids, I would recommend that you take a high quality supplement that contains nutrients that support your liver function.

b) Healthy Weight
Excess oestrogens are stored in fat cells. Fibroids have been shown to occur more often in overweight women. If this is the cause for your fibroids, then when you lose weight, your fibroids will shrink.

An overweight body is an unhealthy body. The whole point of The 8 Pillars of a Healthy Life is to empower you to transform your body into a healthy body: weight loss is a 'side effect' of this process.

c) Anti inflammatory state
If your fibroids are due to your being in a hyperinflammatory state (which can be the case if you're, among other things, eating the wrong types of food)…eating naturally anti-inflammatory foods may help, eg purified fish oil capsules, cumin, rosemary, hops, oat.

Certain lifestyle habits keep your body in a hyperinflammatory state. For instance eating a lot of processed foods, eg refined carbohydrates, processed meats, etc contribute to this. Lack of physical activity also contributes to this because then your body is unable to produce the substances that protect you from this effect.

d) Healthy Nutrition
The 4th Pillar.
In addition to the basic healthy nutrition guidelines you follow in The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Life, you need to :Avoid food that has been injected with hormones eg meat, poultry. Eat only organic foods as these are free from pesticides. Include non GM soy isoflavones (about 80mg/day) in your diet. Take complete, balanced, bioavailable, comprehensive, high quality nutritional supplements daily.

e) Stress Management
This is part of the 1st Pillar of A Healthy Life.Stress leads to release of cortisol. Cortisol increases fatty tissues and fat cells. Fat cells store excess oestrogens. Stress management is a way to manage your weight also.

f) Sunshine!
The 6th Pillar of A Healthy Life. Vitamin D has been shown to halt the growth of fibroid cells, which could explain why fibroids are commoner in black women - dark skinned people make less vitamin D and thus have insufficient levels in their bodies for it to do its protective work.

Vitamin D helps your immune system suppress tumour activity. Fibroids are tumours (benign ones)

So take a blood test with your doctor (ask for 'Serum (25,OH) Vitamin D levels) and if your levels are below normal, take a good vitamin D3 supplement at a dose of 2000IU per day.

g) Miscellaneous
Needless to say you must stop smoking and other such unhealthy habits, and keep your alcohol intake to the barest minimum, as these contribute to your worsening fibroids.

You CAN beat this, ladies!
You CAN shrink your fibroid!
You CAN avoid needless surgery!

Give your body a chance to do what it does best: heal and restore itself. However, it can't do this if it is receiving less than optimal treatment from you.

That's why I've written this overview on The 8 Pillars of a Healthy Life to stir you up to treating your body the right way - when you do, your body will reward you with health. No more fibroids!

Here's to your Total Health!

Dr Kem

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Life is governed by principles or Laws. Act in accordance with these laws and you can only benefit.

Violate these laws and death in some form or other, results (and manifests as disease, poverty, lack, misery, relationship breakdown, etc,  or actual, physical, death).

Ignorance is not ever a virtue, friends.

Discover these Laws and act on them. One of my works in progress deals with 7 of such Laws (watch this space...)

Take the Law of Sowing and Reaping for instance:

- This could also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving.

- You exist because a sperm was given and was received by an egg. You are the harvest of that process. GIVING preceded RECEIVING. Sowing and reaping, giving and receiving.

- The moment you were born, you had to FIRST GIVE out a breath before you could receive your first breath of life. You FIRST gave out a yelp (probably with the assitance of the midwife or doctor smacking your bottom!), and THEN you received air to fully inflate your little lungs. Sowing and reaping started right the instant you were born, and you really were meant to apply this principle in all areas of your life from then on...if you had not FIRST GIVEN out a breath, you'd be dead before you knew it...

- All the food you eat exists because someone planted a seed into something. Your food is the harvest. But FIRST someone had to give seed to something.

- When you have an exam to take, you FIRST GIVE time and effort into the work before you RECEIVE your harvest of success.

- When you want to enjoy electric light, you have to GIVE the switch a flick. This sets in motion the FLOW of current through the cables that cause you to RECEIVE light.

There are many other examples of this law which I'm sure you can think of but without belabouring the point, here's what I want you to know:

There's nothing you can do to change the fact that Law is Law. God put Law in place not to bind or restrict you, but rather to free you to enjoy your stay here on planet Earth in fullness and abundance.

So you've gotta acknowlege the Laws that govern our Universe, because whether or not you believe they exist, they do exist and are affecting you right now.

Gravity for instance, is in operation right now regardless of who believes it or not. Some folks have tried to defy it but have not lived to narrate their experience.

Sowing and Reaping is a Law.
Sowing ALWAYS COMES FIRST before Reaping.

Giving ALWAYS COMES FIRST before Receiving.

Sowing and Giving trigger the FLOW of your harvest to you.

It is not your responsibility to understand how a seed becomes a harvest.
The HOW is not your problem - it's God's job so let Him figure it out, cos He's the only one Who can - it's futile for you to stay up late at night trying to figure out how your harvest will come so don't do it!

How To Act In Accordance To This Law:
Learn from the farmer
- Determine your desired harvest: Be specific now. Farmer doesn't say 'I want a tree'. He says 'I want an Apple Tree'. Then he goes and plants apple seed. Until you are clear on your desired harvest, you cant plant the right seed.

- Acknowledge and BELIEVE that God is the Source of ALL your harvest. This way, when you've for instance, sown a financial seed by giving to someone in need, you don't expect your harvest from that person, rather you fully expect it from God - let Him decide the channel He'll use to bring it to pass, while you happily and expectantly go about your normal business.

- Plant a seed that matches your desired harvest

- Do all things with GRATITUDE that your harvest is here. RECEIVE it with gratitude, BY FAITH, in your heart, NOW, and express daily gratitude for it until it manifests physically. The farmer doesn't plant a seed one day and spend the rest of the days agitating over when it's going to bring him his harvest.  He rather works to ensure that weeds are out of the soil, and that the soil is in perfect condition for the seed to grow, which brings me to the next step:

- TAKE ACTION! Sometimes planting the seed IS taking action, but on other occasions you plant your seed then you start taking action, but do this with FAITH AND GRATITUDE that your harvest is here now (because it is, only not in tangible form. But as surely as The Law of Perpertual Transmutation of Energy is real, your harvest is BEING transmuted from intangible to tangible...your action, taken with faith and gratitude, hasten this process though.)

- EXPECT your harvest. Speak of it only in terms that express your faith and expectation. Don't negate your efforts by speaking negative or contrary words about this.

- RECEIVE your harvest. With thanksgiving.

- SOW from your harvest: keeps the cycle of life going. When you receive breath, you give out breath also, then you receive another one and give out another one. The nature of life and its cycles, teach us that giving and receiving should continue throughout life - as long as you have breath in you.  In blessing others you also shall be blessed.

"He who waters shall himself be watered; There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty" King Solomon the Wise

He who has ears to hear, let him hear!


The flu season is fast approaching, and it's on everyone's mind how to fight the bug that seems to be so rampant today.

Today's post is about a nutrient which is gaining more prominence as it's numerous roles in keeping you healthy emerge. It's my favourite preventive and possibly curative 'secret' weapon for beating the flu:

Meet the humble vitamin, the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D. Vitamin D is the 6th Pillar of A Healthy Life. All 8 Pillars must be solid in your life for you to enjoy true health and success in every area of life.

This vitamin is well known for its role in healthy bone development and calcium metabolism. However, for the past 30 years, other roles for Vitamin D have been emerging and some recent, well-conducted studies are coming to the fore now and we now know that:

  • There is a vitamin D deficiency epidemic worldwide.

  • This deficiency is worse in the winter months because there's not enough sunlight for our skin to make enough of its own vitamin D.

  • Vitamin D boosts your immune system and helps it work better.

  • Most of your cells need adequate levels of Vitamin D to function optimally.

  • Vitamin D has been shown to be protective against colds and flu when taken in adequate amounts, therefore in winter months, when vitamin D levels are particularly low, colds and flu are more common.

  • Vitamin D in appropriate levels, is also protective against several forms of cancer: one of its functions is to arrest the multiplication of these abnormal cells in the body.

  • Vitamin D insufficiency symptoms include, among other things, depression, joint pain, tiredness (which has often been 'diagnosed' as chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia or 'psychological'), muscle ache, diabetes (Vit D helps regulate insulin activity), osteoporosis, heart disease, some cases of high blood pressure (Vitamin D plays a role in regulating the Renin-Angiotensin pathway). Deficiency causes osteomalacia in adults, rickets in children, and heart failure if severe.

  • The current recommended daily allowance of 400IU/day is not nearly enough to protect you from the major illnesses and symptoms mentioned above.

  • The level of Vit D in your blood should be in a range between 75-150nmol/l. (Get your Dr to test your level asap, to know if you need more vit. D).

  • You need to make sure you are well stocked up on Vitamin D, especially in the winter months. It's been suggested that the reason colds and flu occur more frequently in winter months, is lack of Vitamin D (less sunlight).

    Those at most risk of suffering from dangerous Vit D deficiency are:
    • Dark skinned people, or people whose clothing covers most of their skin most of the time
    • obese people, 
    • people suffering from malabsorption syndromes eg coeliac, inflammatory bowel disease,
    • the elderly, 
    • housebound, 
    • excess use of sunscreen.
    • Babies of mothers with insufficient levels of vitamin D.

    How To Get Enough Vitamin D:
    1) Stay out in the sun (sunbathe) for 30 mins each day (this makes your body produce 20,000IU of vitamin D per day.) Clearly not practical though. However, do get as much sun as you can manage. Early morning sunlight is best as that contains mostly the UVB rays which protect you from getting skin cancer, while helping you make Vitamin D.

    2) Eat loads of foods containing Vit D. Foods like Oily fish, cod liver oil, egg yolk. The amount in these foods is really minimal. Still won't give you enough per day, but these things all add up and every little counts, so do this as well.

    3) Take a high quality Vitamin D3 supplement
    (there's a cheaper counterpart, Vitamin D2, but this form is less effective so you want to avoid it if possible. Certainly you wish to avoid any Vitamin D plus calcium only combination unless blood tests show your calcium levels to be lower than normal).

    This is the most practical way to ensure you are getting the right amount of D3.

    But first get your doctor to test your Vitamin D levels by requesting the test called 'Serum (25, OH) Vitamin D).

    If blood tests show you have insufficient levels of Vitamin D, you need to take between 2000IU and 5000IU of Vitamin D3 daily and remain on a maintainance of 2000IU when your levels normalise. So you'd need a repeat blood test when you've been on the supplements for at least a month.

    If blood tests show you to be Vitamin D deficient, you need to take at least 10,000IU of Vitamin D3 per day, and maintain on 2000IU per day when your levels normalise. So here also you need a repeat blood test after a month on supps.

    This may sound like a lot of Vitamin D to be taking, but remember your body can easily make twice that amount just by you sitting out in the sun for 30 minutes.

    During flu season, you may, if you were originally insufficient or deficient, need to increase your daily intake to 5000IU per day, then go back down to maintainance doses afterwards. Read on to discover the supplements I trust, use and recommend (highly).

    Take home tips:

  • If you want to win the fight against flu this year, optimise your vitamin D levels.

  • Get your Dr to request Vitamin D levels for you. Ask for the 'serum 25-OH Vitamin D' blood test. Optimise your intake such that you're well within healthy levels of Vit D. Give your body a fighting chance this flu season! The supplements I use and recommend to friends and family are the ones made by USANA Health Sciences: they're of the highest quality, contain the right amounts in the right proportions and have been independently shown to not only contain what they say they contain in the amount it says on the 'tin', but also that they are bioavailable (available to your cells after you've taken them, which is where they're needed!)

    Every adult should be on their Essentials multivitamins, multimineral and antioxidant pack. Their HealthPak contains 'The Essentials' including 2000IU of Vitamin D3 per serving, as well as additional antioxidants. If you are vitamin D insufficient then this is all you need.

  • They also make Essentials for children and for teenagers so your young ones have the chance to optimise their levels too. Every child should be on the Usanimals (Essentials multivitamin, mineral and antioxidants for children aged 1-12 years old) and every teenager should be on BodyRox (Essentials for teens)

    If you are vitamin D deficient then you ALSO need to take their Vitamin D3 tablets (each little tablet contains 2000IU of vitamin D3), to optimise your levels.

  • Take control of your health! Continue eating your veg and fruit (ratio of 3 veg to 2 fruit, mind you), exercising regularly and applying all the other components of The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Lifestyle (TM).

  • Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    6 simple strength training exercises

    Do these exercises every other day (check with your doctor first before you start any new exercise program).

    This series of exercises workout every major muscle group and if you do them consistently, they will help you shed your excess fat FOREVER.

    Recommended Reading for men and women:
    Strong Women Stay Slim, by Dr Miriam Nelson.

    For each exercise below:
    - Do 2 sets
    - Each set should consist of 8-12 reps.
    - Maintain good posture throughout
    - Breathe out on exertion
    - Move slowly and deliberately to a count of 1-2-3-up, 3-2-1-down.
    - Re: dumb bells, start with say a 1kg pair then gradually increase.
    Target to aim for depends on your age range, and the specific exercise in question.
    You could get a Personal Trainer in the gym to show you or advice you on your specific target.
    - If you don't have dumb bells, be creative. A friend of mine used 1.5L bottles of water in each arm (roughly 1.5kg) to start with. Or cans of food. Be creative. Where there's a will there's a way.

    1. The Chair Squat

    - Aim to just about sit on the chair - without actually sitting on it. This forces your core muscles to hold you steady.
    - Slowly 1-2-3-up, 3-2-1-down!
    - You will feel the effort in your thighs, buttocks and trunks.

    2. The Biceps Curl

    - Start with dumb bell weights that are comfortable but challenging for you to use.
    - Do this with both arms at the same time.
    - You will feel the effort  in your upper arms.
    - Slowly now: 1-2-3-up, 3-2-1-down!

    3. Overhead Press
    - Slowly do it: 1-2-3-up, 3-2-1-down!
    - You will feel the effort in your upper arms, shoulders and upper back.

    4. Calf Raise
    - To make this more challenging for yourself, take your hands off the chair!
    - You will feel the effort in your ankles, feet and calves.
    -Slowly: 1-2-3-up, 3-2-1-down!

    5. Seated Reverse Fly

    ...or variations of this.
    - Slowly: 1-2-3- up!, 3-2-1-down!
    - To make it even more challenging, bend your elbows slightly.
    - Assuming you're doing aerobics to aid in the fat burning process, this exercise helps strengthen your shoulder muscles, making them also look lovely and shapely.
    - You will feel the effort in your shoulders and upper arms.

    6. Bent-over Row

    - If you can't do this standing up, sit on a chair: sit close to the edge of the chair, bending slightly forwards at the waist, with your back straight, until your chest is just above your thighs.
    - Slowly 1-2-3-up, 3-2-1-down!
    - You will feel the effort in your upper back, upper arms, shoulders, lower back, abdomen, thights.


    Strength training will also help you develop good posture as your muscles become stronger and more toned.

    Friday, October 01, 2010

    Your Daily Action Steps...

    Discipline: Your Daily Discipline

    Today I want you to focus on ACTION STEPS.

    The reason Discipline bridges your goals and their accomplishments is that you use it to take ACTION, to do the things you have to do, to make things happen for you.

    I want to introduce you to the concept of 'Daily Disciplines'. You may be familiar with this concept already.

    A 'daily discipline' is a non-negotiable contract you make with yourself to do regularly, whether you feel like it or not. Note that even though it's called a 'daily' discipline, the key thing here is that you do it regularly.

    For instance, a daily discipline could be to exercise every day, or to attend a networking meeting every week.

    Whatever the action is, it's got to have these qualities:

    a) It's got to be something that pulls or draws you closer to your goal
    b) You've got to do it when you're supposed to - leave no room for negotiation either with yourself or with someone else. (negotiation here means discussing whether you feel like doing it or not, etc). Just do it!

    It's been said that it takes just half a dozen daily disciplines, done regularly, for breakthrough type of success to happen in any endeavour.

    Don't know how accurate that figure is, but the principle is solid.

    There's just no other option, if you're consistently doing the right thing relevant to your goal, but to achieve it.

    When you remember this, you ought to be inspired, and motivated from within, to keep on keeping on, until you reach your goal.

    As Og Mandino said in the great little book 'the greatest salesman in the world', you've got to form good habits and then become a slave to them. That's what your daily disciplines are about: a set of good habits that you've become a 'slave' to, whose end result can only be good for you.

    So my question for you this week is this:
    - Name 3 things which, if you consistently did them, would greatly improve your outcomes, your life.
    - How regularly should you be doing these things, in order to bring you closer to your goals? Write this down beside each one.

    These things should be things which have a global positive impact on your life in general, not necessarily specific to any one goal, but should positively impact your goals anyway.

    Decide what these 3 things are.
    Write them down.
    Start doing them NOW!

    Develop other daily disciplines based on your individual goals but don't have so many that you're overwhelmed into doing nothing. A good range to work with is 6-10.

    Keep track of what you're doing so that you're encouraged when you see the results you're achieving along the way.

    This habit of daily disciplines is one of the most important ones you can form so start NOW.

    Tuesday, September 21, 2010

    Discipline - There's no escaping it...

    ...if you really desire success, that is. By discipline I'm referring
    to the quality or habit, of doing what you have to do, whether or
    not you feel like doing it.

    Very soon, we'll enter the last third of the year 2010.
    Is there still a gap between where you intended to be
    at the beginning of the year, and where you are at the moment?

    Have you taken action consistently, to bring you closer to your
    goals, since the start of the year? Or have you slacked off, or become
    discouraged by the outward appearance of things because 'nothing
    seems to be happening, so it's no use'?

    Very often I find that when someone has a gap between where
    they'd like to be and where they currently are, a major reason
    is that they have not applied discipline in one area or another.

    Sometimes people treat the word 'discipline' as though it's
    a dirty word. It's got negative connotations in the mind of many.

    Yet that word holds the key to your breakthrough, to the
    manifestation of your goals. Jim Rohn once called discipline
    'the bridge between your dreams and their realisation'.

    And he's right.

    Now, it's likely that when you think of 'discipline' you think in
    terms of physical actions you need to take, whether or not
    you feel like doing those things. That's a big part of it, I agree.

    But this week I want to draw your attention to another, very
    important aspect of discipline you need to apply.

    I'm talking about Thought Discipline.

    Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying all you have to do is think positive
    and your dreams will come true. Matter of fact you can think positive
    until you are blue in the face, or until you get brain cramps - nothing
    happens until something moves. Action seals the deal.

    However, thought disipline is where it all begins. You see, the right thinking
    patterns keep you in the right mental state, and the right mental state influences
    your behaviour or actions.

    Thought discipline means the following: Action Points
    • You have a goal (if you don't have one written down, write one now! Make it big enough to inspire you but not so big you're overwhelmed into paralysis. Give it a deadline or time frame for achievement. Make it specific. Make it your goal, not someone else's. Make it measurable so you can assess your progress.). A goal gives you direction in life. Gives you a reason to jump out of bed each morning, raring to go, go, go make it happen.

    • You have a vision of your desired outcome. If you don't have one, set some time aside to create one. A vision is like a mental movie with you as the main character, director and producer. It's a powerful tool in the whole goal achievement process, as every top performer in athletics and other fields, knows. So create your mental movie. It should make you feel inspired, hopeful, confident, happy and grateful. If not, rewrite the script.

    • You have a system for holding fast that vision of your desired outcome. This is where discipline really comes into the picture: you've got to focus on your vision while the outward appearances are different. Hold on to your vision even when things look to be going in the opposite direction. This is the test of your faith. This is where discipline starts.

      When you hold fast to your vision with faith, gratitude and expectation, you are empowered and motivated from within, to do what is necessary, to bring it to pass.

      Right here is where many people stumble. They meet discouragement and start to think about the setback - thus taking their eyes off the goal. Thus they shift their focus from the desired outcome, to an undesirable outcome. Don't do this, otherwise your actions will correspond, and you will move away from your desired outcome, rather than towards it.

      What you focus on really does expand, because your thoughts set in motion events and actions that magnetize you to the object of your dominant thoughts.

    How To Focus On Your Vision: 5 top tips

    • Go to the movies: Discipline yourself to watch your mental movie at least twice each day.
    • Affirm your goals either in writing or by speaking it out, at least twice each day. With today's technology, eg the iphone, you can record yourself reading out your affirmation list onto your voice memo, then play that back to yourself several times each day.
    • Vision boards are a great tool for helping you stay focused: find images that reflect/communicate your desired outcome and stick them on the vision board. Put the board where you can easily see it several times each day.
    • Practice daily gratitude for your desired outcome - this automatically forces you to think about what you're being thankful for, raises your level of positive emotion ("vibration") about it, which in turn motivates you from the inside, to take the necessary ACTION to make it happen. This is part of how 'attraction' works.

    • Choose your associations carefully. Don't hang out with nay sayers, dream stealers and other negative influences, as you may find yourself thinking like they do - you cannot afford to be detracted from your vision if you are serious about making it happen for you.

    Start deliberately disciplining your thoughts today by acting on what you've just read. Be consistent. Refuse to quit or give up. Learn from the farmer, who plants a seed and then patiently waits for his harvest, nurturing the soil in the meantime. He doesn't get impatient if he hasn't got a full blown plant by end of the week. Nor should you.

    Now go make it happen for you!

    Blessings to ya!

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar: October 30, 2010!

    The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar:
    October 30, 2010
    Come get equipped to take your health to the next level!

    DR. KEM'S

    Empowering YOU To Take Control Of Your Life!
    "Don't leave your health to chance - come and discover the practical, no-nonsense principles you must apply to enjoy a life free from chronic degenerative illnesses, free from the influences of 'Big Pharma' and the 'Processed food industry'! "

    The Problem:

    Studies repeatedly show that certain conditions are 100% preventable and 100% reversible with healthy lifestyle habits.

    Most days at the surgery, GPs are faced with patients suffering from chronic degenerative diseases, which cause a lot of distress to patients, and which can successfully be managed by healthy lifestyle changes. However, GPs have very little time with each patient so often have to resort to 'quick fix medicine' - pills, pills, pills.

    Many people do not like taking pills, and would rather be (empowered, by being...) shown what they can do themselves, to improve their health, with support while they make the necessary changes.

    These chronic degenerative conditions greatly affect the quality of life of the people suffering from them. They include conditions such as:

    • Overweight and Obesity
    • High blood pressure (hypertension)
    • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
    • High Cholesterol (non-familial type)
    • Tired all the time
    • Some forms of arthritis
    • The so-called  'syndrome X', which affects 1 in 4 people especially in the western world, and which is ENTIRELY reversible and preventable: (raised triglycerides, reduced HDL -the 'good cholesterol', truncal obesity aka belly fat, polycystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes, hypertension)

    Very often you go to the doctor and face frustrations such as:

    • You're handed down a bunch of pills to 'control the symptoms'
    • They're too busy to talk with you and understand what is really going on with you (not their fault really - they've got only 10 minutes per patient!)
    • You suffer from side effects from all the pills you're taking so you're given more pills to control those side effects!
    • You're not feeling right yet all blood tests are normal.
    • You're tired all the time yet all blood tests are normal, so you're told nothing is wrong.
    • Feeling like you've not been heard when you talk about your health concerns. You feel rushed out of the doctor's surgery and 'fobbed off'.
    • Feeling unsupported by 'the system'

    Or if weight is your issue see if you can relate:

    • You've tried various 'diets' and perhaps lost weight but it comes right back. I've had lots of patients reel off lists of 'programs' they've been on, which have not helped them - weight watchers, slimming world, diet chef, you name it, I see them at the surgery, having not achieved true health or lasting weight loss, with these 'diets'. After analysing their food and activity diary it becomes crystal clear why these programs don't, and can't work, in the long term, to prevent the chronic illnesses mentioned above.

    • You are too busy to exercise or prepare healthy meals.

    • You're confused with all the information out there on what to eat and what to do to stay healthy- who can you trust? What do you believe?

    • Your self confidence is suffering because of your size (over weight or under weight).

    Currently there has not been any program available to empower individuals with TRUE information (based on the unchanging fact about the way your body really works) and SUPPORT to help each person make changes to their lifestyles and stick to them...until NOW, that is!

    If you can relate to any of the above, or you know someone who can relate to any of the above, then you cannot afford to miss this Powerful New Seminar taking place on the 30th of October 2010 at the Holiday Inn (London-Elstree M25 Jct 23).

    Introducing.....Dr Kem's Healthy Lifestyle Seminar.

    Just Who Is Dr Kem Anyway?

    • A Multi-distinction and Multi-award winning medical Graduate, currently working in a GP Surgery in North London
    • A Professionally qualified Performance Coach with a passion for healthy lifestyle as a form of preventing and treating disease, peak performance and women's issues.

    • An accomplished writer and published Author
    • A Speaker, Trainer and Consultant
    • Former University Lecturer (Biochemistry and Physiology - undergraduate medical students). This role re-opened Dr Kem's eyes and mind to the fact that most every disease condition stems from a deviation from the normal biochemistry and physiology of the body - which imbalance can be restored with a Healthy Lifestyle!

    • A Mom - her most fulfilling role yet.

    Why This Seminar?

    • The content of this program was borne out of Dr Kem's passion for health, fitness and wellness, her (increasing base of) medical knowledge and her work at the practice in London, where she has helped many patients improve their conditions without prescription medication, but by patiently helping each one change their lifestyle habits into healthy ones that cause their bodies to reverse from disease to health.

    • Part of Dr Kem's work with patients involves careful assessment and analysis of each person's current state, education about what is wrong with what they're currently doing, and what they need to do differently.

    • From working with hundreds of patients over the past year it became clear to Dr Kem that there is a lot of misinformation out there. For instance, many people think they're eating right but wonder why their blood sugar, cholesterol or blood pressure remain high, or why they don't shed any extra fat.

    • This seminar is designed to equip you with the practical information and resources that can help you get on track, get proactive and make lasting changes to your health.

    • It is produced in collaboration with the fabulous Edith 'Entrepreneur Coach' Okadigwe of Living Foundations Entrepreneur Coaching fame (

    What You Will Get From This Seminar:
    The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Lifestyle revealing:
    • What the real connection is between your state of mind and your physical health and why 'mind over matter' is not just a bunch of jargon.!

    • Nutrition, exercise - how it all fits together to keep you healthy!

    • The one test you MUST ask your doctor to request for you as soon as possible, and why!

    • The one beverage you MUST ensure you get adequate amounts of DAILY if you wish to be healthy!

    • The three components of ANY exercise program you undertake and why you MUST include all three regularly!

    • Why 'Beauty Sleep' may not be 'just a myth'!

    • The truth about what you REALLY need to be eating for health (hint: no such thing as 'one diet fits all')!

    • One vital element that any health program worth its salt MUST contain!

    • Value packed health information nuggets from other Health Professionals!

    • Lots more!

    What Are The Details for This Seminar?

    • Venue: Holiday Inn London-Elstree M25 Jct 23 (on the A1: Barnet Bypass, Borehamwood WD6 5PU)
    • Date: Saturday October 30, 2010
    • Time: 11am to 4pm
    • Price: £40 (non-business owners), £50 (business owners - details at
    • Book NOW to avoid disappointment!
    • Limited spaces so places are booked on a strictly first-come, first serve basis. No exceptions.

    What To Do Now? Book Your Place NOW, that's what!!

    Click the button below to secure your place at the Seminar for just £40.00
    If you're a business owner, please visit the 'Business' page over at for informaiton on how to register: we have only 10 tables available for business owners to display goods and services, and can only accept one table per industry so ACT NOW!

    Monday, August 23, 2010

    Don't treat your thirst with pain killers!

    I've treated many patients suffering from some form of pain or other, without pain killers.

    These include chronic headaches, joint pain and menstrual cramps (period pains), etc.

    Pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. When your body tells you something is wrong, your response should not be to rush and suppress that symptom. You should ask 'what is wrong and why is this happening?'

    In other words, your approach to tackling your health issues should be 'what's causing this symptom [of pain]', as opposed to 'how do I suppress this pain?' - in answering the first question, you discover how to get rid of the pain and how to prevent it from happening again. In answering the second question, you leave the root cause of your pain unknown, and you are thus unable to prevent a future episode.

    Answering the first question empowers you to take control of your health and life.
    Answering the second question only, leaves you a victim of external influences (eg 'big pharma').

    Which brings me to the main point of this blog post.

    I'd like to introduce you to a very humble, unassuming drink, one which is freely available (which perhaps is why it is so overlooked and taken for granted...) yet one which is so vital to life you cannot survive up to a week without it. This drink is so necessary for your daily life that if you are not getting enough, various organs in your body complain by sending you signals such as pain, fatigue, irritability, 'stress'.

    I'm talking about Water.
    Not coffee, not tea, not juice, not alcohol, but water. H2O.

    Every single cell in your body is made up of 75% water.
    Your brain is 85% water.
    Every energy releasing process in your body is driven by water.

    Dr Batman, the author of 'Your Body's many Cries For Water', a physician who devoted at least 20 years to studying water and its health properties, showed from his research and experience, that pain is one sure fire symptom of dehydration.

    In my clinical practice, I've found this to be true as well.

    So much so that I now tell my patients that if you suffer from headaches that won't go away, or period pains, or back pain, or other joint pain, etc, before you run to your doctor looking for a pain killer, drink an adequate amount of water first. Let's rule out dehydration as a cause for your pain. When you do this, if the symptom is still present, then by all means come back and let's re-assess you.

    Not one has come back saying the symptoms remained. One man actually came back just to tell me I was a miracle working doctor! I gently told him I was no miracle worker - the real miracle is the human body and the One who created it to be so intelligent that it can take care of and repair itself once it's given the right resources.

    I personally practice what I preach: ever since I learnt about the pain-relieving properties of water, and started drinking the amount required for my body size, I've not had to take any pain killers - at the first sign of pain, I drink a pint of water or a bit more. This has kept me free from headaches and period pains (which used to be quite severe). 

    How Much Water Is Adequate?
    One size doesn't fit all.
    No two people are the same in their requirements for food and water.
    No two people are exactly alike, period.

    So your water requirement (DWR = Daily Water Requirement, the minimum amount of water your body needs for its daily function) depends on various factors such as:
    - Your size (a toddler needs less water than a 6 foot tall man, for instance)

    - Your other habits: if you drink any thing with caffeine in it, you lose an estimated 500mls of water from your body per cup. So if you must drink caffeine or its relatives (found in coffee, tea, coke-type of drinks), you must drink an additional pint of water so that you're not in negative balance). Same goes for alcohol, which also dehydrates you.

    - Your other habits: if you exercise, you need to drink extra water in addition to your DWR.

    Formula for calculating your DWR:
    Body weight (kg) x 33ml = Your personal DWR in mls
    Body weight (pounds)/2 = Your DWR in ounces.

    • When you start drinking the DWR for your weight, you will initially pass urine more frequently than you're doing now, but don't panic - this doesn't last: after a few weeks of your persisting with this, your bladder adjusts and you don't need to go as often.

    Before you start this challenge, check with your doctor and make sure there's nothing in your medical history that makes you need to restrict water intake. Make sure with your doctor that it's ok for you to take the challenge.

    The Water Challenge
    For the next 21 days:
    • Drink nothing but water. Drink your DWR amount. No coffee, tea or other drinks.
    • Eat your healthy meals as usual
    • GAP (Grab a Pen) and keep a 'water journal', so you can document how you feel before, during and after the challenge, and also to keep you motivated and on track. Also document how many times you're going to pass urine each day.

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Thinking about...Raw Milk

    There is a sickening trend in the processed food industry. Sickening metaphorically, sickening literally - for you, if you consume foods so processed.

    The trend is this:
    - healthy form of food is good but takes too much effort to make large quantities available in the shortest amount of time. Also in some cases, does not have extremely long shelf life...Oh the hassle of providing healthy forms of food - not exactly a good candidate for making a quick buck..

    Enter the processed food industry!:
    - 'processed food is bad for health but never mind that because hey, you can mass produce the stuff, process it and add chemicals that can give you very long shelf life! Think of all the money we can make doing this! Oh and by the way, while we're at it, let's think of ways to camouflage the damage we're doing to the food, by spinning a yarn about how good it is for you. Folks don't take the time to study facts for themselves anyway so nobody'll know - they'll believe anything we say so long as it's printed and make to sound professional. Besides, when they get sick from eating or drinking our stuff, our buddy the Big Pharma industry is at hand to treat their symptoms - the perfect solution!..'

    This is the basic trend behind most any processed food or drink you can think of.
    Guess who the loser in all this is?
    You are, if you consume these products.


    I don't care how convenient it is made to sound or look - as far as your health is concerned, processed food is poison.

    Today, I want to address a food which, in its natural state, is one of the most healthful, nutritious substances available. Yet even though it is easy to buy cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, it's quite difficult to find this food in its healthful state.

    I'm talking about Raw Milk.

    As with a lot of other good foods, raw milk has been demonized over the (relatively) recent years, while processed milk ('pasteurized', 'homogenized') is now touted as healthy and good for you. Nothing could be further from the truth!

    Quick Milk Myth:
    - Raw Milk gives you salmonella and tuberculosis and makes you sick.

    Quick Milk Fact:
    - Raw Milk got from sick cows can make you sick. A sick cow is either contaminated with the germs causing the infections, or it's just a cow that's been fed on grains, antibiotics and hormones, or a cow that's raised in unhygienic environments.

    - Organic Raw Milk from healthy cows will not make you sick. A healthy cow is one that is allowed to feed on grass in pasture in summer, minimal grains but lots of hay in winter when it's not a good idea for them to be outdoors. A healthy cow is raised in a hygienic environment and is free from infectious diseases, and has not had any chemical treatment.

    Benefits of Raw Milk
    - It's got all the important enzymes in it still; ever wondered why there are so many cases of 'lactose intolerance' these days? That's because the processed milk you drink has had its own natural lactase destroyed in the process of pasteurisation. Lactase is the enzyme that digests (breaks down) lactose in milk after you've ingested it. However the process of pasteurising milk, destroys all enzymes within it, which would otherwise break down the sugars and substances contained in it.

    You can't be lactose intolerant when you take Raw Milk because any lactose in the milk gets broken down by the lactase in the (raw) milk.

    - Raw Milk is a good source of some B vitamins, vitamins A and D. You lose out on this when milk gets processed (though of course in some cases the processed milk gets 'fortified' with these nutrients).

    - Raw Milk is a good source of healthy saturated fat. When milk gets 'homogenized', this means it's been passed through very fine slits, in order to break down the fat molecules in it such that the tiny fat molecules mix with the milk, making it impossible to separate out the fat on the top as cream. The danger with the homogenization process is that these tiny fat molecules are now in a form that makes them harmful to the blood vessels (remember, anytime you process fat, that's when it becomes harmful...)

    - Raw Milk is a good source of healthy Omega 3 fats, which are not only the body's natural anti-inflammatory fats, but they're also good for your heart.

    - Raw Milk is a good source of cholesterol. - Cholesterol is good for you unless it's damaged ('oxidised'); it's the damaged cholesterol that is bad for your heart. The cholesterol in Raw Milk is not damaged, so it's still in its healthful state, which your body needs for numerous vital, life sustaining processes (see post on cholesterol).

    - Raw Milk may protect against allergies and eczema.
    But discuss with a Raw Milk-friendly doctor if you are known to suffer from milk allergy, before you try raw milk.- Raw Milk contains loads of probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria which not only help make some digestive enzymes, but they play a major role in providing immunity for your body. Unfortunately the process of pasteurising milk kills off all the good bacteria in it, so if you're drinking processed milk you're denying yourself a natural immune booster drink. Pasteurised milk is little more than sugar (lactose) and water...

    - Raw Milk tastes absolutely FANTASTIC!! But don't just take my word for it...try it yourself. Read below for tips to guide you when you go shopping for Raw Milk...

    Processed milk has NONE of the above benefits.
    It really is just sugar and water.
    It's a dead drink with no life enhancing qualities.

    Occasionally someone will get sick from taking raw milk - but this can also be said about just about any food out there. In fact contaminated food (vegetables, fruits, etc) has been known to cause by far more illness than just raw milk. Yet nobody is banning veg and fruit. Read the tips below to reduce your chances of getting sick from Raw Milk:

     Tips For Choosing A Raw Milk Source
    Ask the following 4 questions:
    • Is the milk organic?
    • Is it from grass-fed cows that haven't had any hormones or antibiotics or other chemicals given to them?
    • Is it from cows guaranteed to be free from tuberculosis, salmonella and other germs?
    • What are the hygiene practices in the farm where the cows are bred, and where the milk is extracted?

    Folks, who will you listen to? People who stand to gain financially while your health suffers? Or people who present the truth to you as is.

    The choice is yours.

    I've said it before and I'm going to say it again: Health is largely a choice - YOUR CHOICE.

    Make healthy choices today!

    Tuesday, August 10, 2010

    The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar is Back!

    Following the success of the first Healthy Lifestyle Seminar that took place at the London-Elstree Holiday Inn, I'm pleased to inform you that the next Healthy Lifestyle Seminar will take place on Saturday, October 30, 2010.

    For details, and to book your place while spaces remain, please visit The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar page over at

    Blessings to ya!

    Dr Kem

    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    Please read your food labels!!

    Yet again, an innocent soul who has been fooled into thinkiing she was getting 'fat-free' food, notices she's putting on weight, and seeing high cholesterol results, on 'fat-free' diet.

    Folks, I've said it before but I'm going to say it again: there's no such thing as fat-free - unless it's not got any form of sugar in it as well. Very often, what's labelled as 'fat free', has added sugar to make it palatable for you.

    The problem with this is that the added sugar gets converted to saturated fat in your body. This is what causes the weight gain. This is what causes the raised cholesterol level.

    So please, please, read your food labels carefully before you buy anything.

    And don't think aspartame and such are healthier options. They may not affect your weight, but they certainly affect other organs in your body, particularly your nervous system. so avoid anything with sweeteners in it, if you're serious about your health.

    You do need to eat fats, in moderate amounts, not excess. Your body has crucial functions which depend on a healthy level of saturated fats in it. I'll tell you more about these in a future post.

    So 'fat-free' is not a healthy option for you.

    Watch this space, more to come.

    Meantime, stay well!

    Dr Kem

    Saturday, July 17, 2010

    The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar - A Must-Attend Event!

    The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar:
    Come get equipped to take your health to the next level!

    Empowering YOU To Take Control Of Your Health and Life!

    The Problem:

    Studies repeatedly show that certain conditions are 100% preventable and 100% reversible with healthy lifestyle habits.

    Most days at the surgery, GPs are faced with patients suffering from chronic degenerative diseases, which cause a lot of distress to patients, and which can successfully be managed by healthy lifestyle changes. However, GPs have very little time with each patient so often have to resort to 'quick fix medicine' - pills, pills, pills.

    Many people do not like taking pills, and would rather be shown what they can do themselves, to improve their health.

    These chronic degenerative conditions greatly affect the quality of life of the people suffering from them. They include conditions such as:

    • Overweight and Obesity
    • High blood pressure (hypertension)
    • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
    • High Cholesterol (non-familial type)
    • Tired all the time
    • Some forms of arthritis
    • And others, including those in the group of conditions called 'syndrome X'

    Very often you go to the doctor and face frustrations such as:

    • You're handed down a bunch of pills to 'control the symptoms'
    • They're too busy to talk with you and understand what is really going on with you (not their fault really - they've got only 10 minutes per patient!)
    • You suffer from side effects from all the pills you're taking so you're given more pills to control those side effects!
    • You're not feeling right yet all blood tests are normal.
    • You're tired all the time yet all blood tests are normal, so you're told nothing is wrong.
    • Feeling like you've not been heard when you talk about your health concerns.
    • Feeling unsupported by 'the system'

    Or if weight is your issue see if you can relate:

    • You've tried various 'diets' and perhaps lost weight but it comes right back.
    • You are too busy to exercise or prepare healthy meals.
    • You're confused with all the information out there on what to eat and what to do to stay healthy
    • Your self confidence is suffering because of your size (over weight or under weight).

    Currently there has not been any program available to empower individuals with TRUE information (based on the unchanging fact about the way your body really works) and SUPPORT to help each person make changes to their lifestyles and stick to them...until NOW, that is!

    If you can relate to any of the above, or you know someone who can relate to any of the above, then you cannot afford to miss this Powerful New program taking place on the 31st of July 2010 at the Holiday Inn (London-Elstree M25 Jct 23).

    Introducing.....Dr Kem's Healthy Lifestyle Seminar.

    Just Who Is Dr Kem Anyway?


    • A Multi-distinction and Multi-award winning medical Graduate, currently working in a GP Surgery in North London
    • A Professionally qualified Performance Coach with a passion for health (not medication), peak performance and women's issues.
    • An accomplished writer and published Author
    • A Speaker, Trainer and Consultant
    • Former University Lecturer (Biochemistry and Physiology - undergraduate medical students)
    • A Mom - her most fulfilling role yet.

    Why This Seminar?

    • The content of this program was borne out of Dr Kem's passion for health, fitness and wellness, her (increasing base of) medical knowledge and her work at the practice in London, where she has helped many patients improve their conditions without prescription medication, but by patiently helping each one change their lifestyle habits into healthy ones that cause their bodies to reverse from disease to health.

    • Part of Dr Kem's work with patients involves careful assessment and analysis of each person's current state, education about what is wrong with what they're currently doing, and what they need to do differently.

    • From working with hundreds of patients over the past year it became clear to Dr Kem that there is a lot of misinformation out there. Many people think they're eating right but wonder why their blood sugar, cholesterol or blood pressure remain high, or why they don't shed any extra fat.

    • This seminar is designed to equip you with the information and resources that can help you get on track, get proactive and make lasting changes to your health.

    • It is produced in collaboration with the fabulous Edith 'Entrepreneur Coach' Okadigwe of Living Foundations Entrepreneur Coaching fame.

    What You Will Get From This Seminar:

    • What the real connection is between your state of mind and your physical health and why 'mind over matter' is not just a bunch of jargon.!

    • Nutrition, exercise - how it all fits together to keep you healthy!

    • The one test you MUST ask your doctor to request for you as soon as possible, and why!

    • The one beverage you MUST ensure you get adequate amounts of DAILY if you wish to be healthy!

    • The three components of ANY exercise program you undertake and why you MUST include all three regularly!

    • Why 'Beauty Sleep' may not be 'just a myth'!

    • The truth about what you REALLY need to be eating for health (hint: no such thing as 'one diet fits all')!

    • One vital element that any health program worth its salt MUST contain!

    • How to access 4-WEEKS of FREE Personal Training with celebrity Personal Trainer, Malcom Martin of RoadWorks Fitness at home or at your local gym!

    • Value packed health information nuggets from other Health Professionals!

    • Lots more!

    What Are The Details for This Seminar?

    • Venue: Holiday Inn London-Elstree M25 Jct 23 (on the A1: Barnet Bypass, Borehamwood WD6 5PU)
    • Date: Saturday July 31 2010
    • Time: 11am to 4pm
    • Price: £40 (non-business owners), £50 (business owners - details below)
    • Book NOW to avoid disappointment!
    • Limited spaces so places are booked on a strictly first-come, first serve basis. No exceptions.

    What Does The Price Include?

    • The Seminar presentations, fun, informative, practical and interactive

    • Refreshments (water, tea, coffee - Decaff of course ;), light lunch)

    • FREE Childcare provided by Ofsted registered Childminder, at the venue for those with young children; you can come and participate in the seminar, resting assured that your precious little ones are in safe hands, close by.

    • Great networking opportunity - it's always good to expand your contact base, so you get to meet new people, make contacts, etc.

    • Goody bag with valuable gifts to help improve your health!

    For Business Owners: For an Additional £10.00 you ALSO get:

    • A table to display your products/services at the event

    • Ongoing projector screen display of your products/services throughout the event in between talks

    • To include something in the goody bag the attendees leave with!

    • The chance to add new contacts to your database

    What To Do Now? Book Your Place NOW, that's what!!

    If you're not a Business owner, click the button below to secure your place at the Seminar for just £40.00

    If you're a Business Owner and you'd like to take advantage of the extra exposure on offer, click the button below to secure your place for just £50.00.

    Due To Popular Demand!!
    For Business Couples: Special Discount for 2 Business Owners Registering Together - click the button below to secure your place for just £80.00