Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Discipline - There's no escaping it...

...if you really desire success, that is. By discipline I'm referring
to the quality or habit, of doing what you have to do, whether or
not you feel like doing it.

Very soon, we'll enter the last third of the year 2010.
Is there still a gap between where you intended to be
at the beginning of the year, and where you are at the moment?

Have you taken action consistently, to bring you closer to your
goals, since the start of the year? Or have you slacked off, or become
discouraged by the outward appearance of things because 'nothing
seems to be happening, so it's no use'?

Very often I find that when someone has a gap between where
they'd like to be and where they currently are, a major reason
is that they have not applied discipline in one area or another.

Sometimes people treat the word 'discipline' as though it's
a dirty word. It's got negative connotations in the mind of many.

Yet that word holds the key to your breakthrough, to the
manifestation of your goals. Jim Rohn once called discipline
'the bridge between your dreams and their realisation'.

And he's right.

Now, it's likely that when you think of 'discipline' you think in
terms of physical actions you need to take, whether or not
you feel like doing those things. That's a big part of it, I agree.

But this week I want to draw your attention to another, very
important aspect of discipline you need to apply.

I'm talking about Thought Discipline.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying all you have to do is think positive
and your dreams will come true. Matter of fact you can think positive
until you are blue in the face, or until you get brain cramps - nothing
happens until something moves. Action seals the deal.

However, thought disipline is where it all begins. You see, the right thinking
patterns keep you in the right mental state, and the right mental state influences
your behaviour or actions.

Thought discipline means the following: Action Points
  • You have a goal (if you don't have one written down, write one now! Make it big enough to inspire you but not so big you're overwhelmed into paralysis. Give it a deadline or time frame for achievement. Make it specific. Make it your goal, not someone else's. Make it measurable so you can assess your progress.). A goal gives you direction in life. Gives you a reason to jump out of bed each morning, raring to go, go, go make it happen.

  • You have a vision of your desired outcome. If you don't have one, set some time aside to create one. A vision is like a mental movie with you as the main character, director and producer. It's a powerful tool in the whole goal achievement process, as every top performer in athletics and other fields, knows. So create your mental movie. It should make you feel inspired, hopeful, confident, happy and grateful. If not, rewrite the script.

  • You have a system for holding fast that vision of your desired outcome. This is where discipline really comes into the picture: you've got to focus on your vision while the outward appearances are different. Hold on to your vision even when things look to be going in the opposite direction. This is the test of your faith. This is where discipline starts.

    When you hold fast to your vision with faith, gratitude and expectation, you are empowered and motivated from within, to do what is necessary, to bring it to pass.

    Right here is where many people stumble. They meet discouragement and start to think about the setback - thus taking their eyes off the goal. Thus they shift their focus from the desired outcome, to an undesirable outcome. Don't do this, otherwise your actions will correspond, and you will move away from your desired outcome, rather than towards it.

    What you focus on really does expand, because your thoughts set in motion events and actions that magnetize you to the object of your dominant thoughts.

How To Focus On Your Vision: 5 top tips

  • Go to the movies: Discipline yourself to watch your mental movie at least twice each day.
  • Affirm your goals either in writing or by speaking it out, at least twice each day. With today's technology, eg the iphone, you can record yourself reading out your affirmation list onto your voice memo, then play that back to yourself several times each day.
  • Vision boards are a great tool for helping you stay focused: find images that reflect/communicate your desired outcome and stick them on the vision board. Put the board where you can easily see it several times each day.
  • Practice daily gratitude for your desired outcome - this automatically forces you to think about what you're being thankful for, raises your level of positive emotion ("vibration") about it, which in turn motivates you from the inside, to take the necessary ACTION to make it happen. This is part of how 'attraction' works.

  • Choose your associations carefully. Don't hang out with nay sayers, dream stealers and other negative influences, as you may find yourself thinking like they do - you cannot afford to be detracted from your vision if you are serious about making it happen for you.

Start deliberately disciplining your thoughts today by acting on what you've just read. Be consistent. Refuse to quit or give up. Learn from the farmer, who plants a seed and then patiently waits for his harvest, nurturing the soil in the meantime. He doesn't get impatient if he hasn't got a full blown plant by end of the week. Nor should you.

Now go make it happen for you!

Blessings to ya!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar: October 30, 2010!

The Healthy Lifestyle Seminar:
October 30, 2010
Come get equipped to take your health to the next level!


Empowering YOU To Take Control Of Your Life!
"Don't leave your health to chance - come and discover the practical, no-nonsense principles you must apply to enjoy a life free from chronic degenerative illnesses, free from the influences of 'Big Pharma' and the 'Processed food industry'! "

The Problem:

Studies repeatedly show that certain conditions are 100% preventable and 100% reversible with healthy lifestyle habits.

Most days at the surgery, GPs are faced with patients suffering from chronic degenerative diseases, which cause a lot of distress to patients, and which can successfully be managed by healthy lifestyle changes. However, GPs have very little time with each patient so often have to resort to 'quick fix medicine' - pills, pills, pills.

Many people do not like taking pills, and would rather be (empowered, by being...) shown what they can do themselves, to improve their health, with support while they make the necessary changes.

These chronic degenerative conditions greatly affect the quality of life of the people suffering from them. They include conditions such as:

  • Overweight and Obesity
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • High Cholesterol (non-familial type)
  • Tired all the time
  • Some forms of arthritis
  • The so-called  'syndrome X', which affects 1 in 4 people especially in the western world, and which is ENTIRELY reversible and preventable: (raised triglycerides, reduced HDL -the 'good cholesterol', truncal obesity aka belly fat, polycystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes, hypertension)

Very often you go to the doctor and face frustrations such as:

  • You're handed down a bunch of pills to 'control the symptoms'
  • They're too busy to talk with you and understand what is really going on with you (not their fault really - they've got only 10 minutes per patient!)
  • You suffer from side effects from all the pills you're taking so you're given more pills to control those side effects!
  • You're not feeling right yet all blood tests are normal.
  • You're tired all the time yet all blood tests are normal, so you're told nothing is wrong.
  • Feeling like you've not been heard when you talk about your health concerns. You feel rushed out of the doctor's surgery and 'fobbed off'.
  • Feeling unsupported by 'the system'

Or if weight is your issue see if you can relate:

  • You've tried various 'diets' and perhaps lost weight but it comes right back. I've had lots of patients reel off lists of 'programs' they've been on, which have not helped them - weight watchers, slimming world, diet chef, you name it, I see them at the surgery, having not achieved true health or lasting weight loss, with these 'diets'. After analysing their food and activity diary it becomes crystal clear why these programs don't, and can't work, in the long term, to prevent the chronic illnesses mentioned above.

  • You are too busy to exercise or prepare healthy meals.

  • You're confused with all the information out there on what to eat and what to do to stay healthy- who can you trust? What do you believe?

  • Your self confidence is suffering because of your size (over weight or under weight).

Currently there has not been any program available to empower individuals with TRUE information (based on the unchanging fact about the way your body really works) and SUPPORT to help each person make changes to their lifestyles and stick to them...until NOW, that is!

If you can relate to any of the above, or you know someone who can relate to any of the above, then you cannot afford to miss this Powerful New Seminar taking place on the 30th of October 2010 at the Holiday Inn (London-Elstree M25 Jct 23).

Introducing.....Dr Kem's Healthy Lifestyle Seminar.

Just Who Is Dr Kem Anyway?

  • A Multi-distinction and Multi-award winning medical Graduate, currently working in a GP Surgery in North London
  • A Professionally qualified Performance Coach with a passion for healthy lifestyle as a form of preventing and treating disease, peak performance and women's issues.

  • An accomplished writer and published Author
  • A Speaker, Trainer and Consultant
  • Former University Lecturer (Biochemistry and Physiology - undergraduate medical students). This role re-opened Dr Kem's eyes and mind to the fact that most every disease condition stems from a deviation from the normal biochemistry and physiology of the body - which imbalance can be restored with a Healthy Lifestyle!

  • A Mom - her most fulfilling role yet.

Why This Seminar?

  • The content of this program was borne out of Dr Kem's passion for health, fitness and wellness, her (increasing base of) medical knowledge and her work at the practice in London, where she has helped many patients improve their conditions without prescription medication, but by patiently helping each one change their lifestyle habits into healthy ones that cause their bodies to reverse from disease to health.

  • Part of Dr Kem's work with patients involves careful assessment and analysis of each person's current state, education about what is wrong with what they're currently doing, and what they need to do differently.

  • From working with hundreds of patients over the past year it became clear to Dr Kem that there is a lot of misinformation out there. For instance, many people think they're eating right but wonder why their blood sugar, cholesterol or blood pressure remain high, or why they don't shed any extra fat.

  • This seminar is designed to equip you with the practical information and resources that can help you get on track, get proactive and make lasting changes to your health.

  • It is produced in collaboration with the fabulous Edith 'Entrepreneur Coach' Okadigwe of Living Foundations Entrepreneur Coaching fame (http://www.entrepreneurcoach.org.uk/).

What You Will Get From This Seminar:
The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Lifestyle revealing:
  • What the real connection is between your state of mind and your physical health and why 'mind over matter' is not just a bunch of jargon.!

  • Nutrition, exercise - how it all fits together to keep you healthy!

  • The one test you MUST ask your doctor to request for you as soon as possible, and why!

  • The one beverage you MUST ensure you get adequate amounts of DAILY if you wish to be healthy!

  • The three components of ANY exercise program you undertake and why you MUST include all three regularly!

  • Why 'Beauty Sleep' may not be 'just a myth'!

  • The truth about what you REALLY need to be eating for health (hint: no such thing as 'one diet fits all')!

  • One vital element that any health program worth its salt MUST contain!

  • Value packed health information nuggets from other Health Professionals!

  • Lots more!

What Are The Details for This Seminar?

  • Venue: Holiday Inn London-Elstree M25 Jct 23 (on the A1: Barnet Bypass, Borehamwood WD6 5PU)
  • Date: Saturday October 30, 2010
  • Time: 11am to 4pm
  • Price: £40 (non-business owners), £50 (business owners - details at www.healthylifestyleseminar.co.uk)
  • Book NOW to avoid disappointment!
  • Limited spaces so places are booked on a strictly first-come, first serve basis. No exceptions.

What To Do Now? Book Your Place NOW, that's what!!

Click the button below to secure your place at the Seminar for just £40.00
If you're a business owner, please visit the 'Business' page over at www.healthylifestyleseminar.co.uk for informaiton on how to register: we have only 10 tables available for business owners to display goods and services, and can only accept one table per industry so ACT NOW!