Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Beware the dream stealers...

Do you have a dream?
Have you got a vision for your life?
Is there something you really, really, desire to achieve?

Then you must surround yourself with people who believe in you, people who are dream builders rather than dream stealers.

For your dream to come true, you've gotta have faith:
  • Faith in God, with Whom ALL things are possible, and who calls things that be not are though they were

  • Faith in yourself, made in God's image: this implies faith in your inherent abilities to make things happen, faith in your potential...

  • Faith in your dream, no matter how improbable it sounds or looks now.

Get this: whatever dream or desire you have in your heart, know that along with that dream, you were given the resources to bring it to life.

Know also that the fact that you've got a desire to be, do or have something, is proof that you've got within you and around you, everything you need, to make it real.

So surround yourself with people and resources that support your dream, goal, vision.

That way you're always in the right state of mind to make it happen.

Go ahead and have a fantastic day now why dontcha!

Blessings to ya.


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